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Amalias pov:
It's hard to wrap everything that they have been explaining into my head. I feel like everything is spinning in circles and I can't keep up any longer with it. They said they thought that it would be me, but that woman looked completely different. Carlisle and Marcus also explained how there was one woman that can look like someone else. But than why did I see the difference right away? Has that something to do with my ability to block someone out of my head? Then again, emmet said they still could of smelled the difference. Why is this so hard? It felt so good when they were touching me, it was the only time the room stopped from spinning. Am I really ready to forgive them again? Would it be wise to do that? The only thing that I know 100% for sure, is that I can't and don't want to live without them. That's all so confusing. A warm blanket gets thrown over my body.
Thank you esme!  She always treated me like her daughter, even before bella moved to Forks.
„You want me to get them back to you?" Carlisle asks softly. I don't know. I do want them by my side and at the same time I am just so unbelievable hurt!
Yes please..    I answer him. I don't need to talk, so why shouldn't I enjoy them near me!!
„you two can get back in to her." I hear Carlisle tell them before the door softly gets shut again.
„Hey princess, we are back with you. Just please try and wake back up." Alec says. His long fingers softly move up and down my left arm. Soothing me a bit.
„If you don't want to stay with us, that's ok. We don't deserve another chance." janes voice sounds so hurt, so broken it is terrible for me to listen.
„But please you can't die! That's just not ok!" she finishes her statement and i can hear her choking up a little. Do they really care so much? Why else would they sound like that. But than why doesn't she want another chance?
„You don't want another chance?" I ask a bit hurt but more than anything confused. They have hurt me so bad, so why do I care that much? Shouldn't I just ignore them?
„We do want one. But I am afraid we don't deserve another one. I don't think it would be fair for you to give us another one." Alec says after some hiccups.
„I am so tired of being used." I tell them. I don't know why but ever since I was little, everyone always used me to their benefits. No one ever truly cared for me. At least I feel like that.
„We don't want to use you love. That was never on our mind! And we never did use you. You are far to precious, to important to us to simply use you!" Jane tells me. I slowly can feel my heart mend itself together with the explanation from earlier. Also them just wanting to make me feel better, be there for me. But there still is some uncertainty in my head. Can I really trust them? Or are they only going to betray me again? How many chances do I have to give them? I guess there is only one way to find out, but is that really safe? Is it safe to give them another chance? Wouldn't it be so much easier to find someone new? Someone that wouldn't hurt me. But I also wouldn't know for sure what their intentions would be. I love them. I really fucking love them. That's the only reason I am even contemplating. Marcus said that they really had no clue, that they where completely devastated after they slowly realized that it really wasn't me. I don't know what to do! Why has it to always be this confusing!?
„I am tired." that's the only thing that I know for sure.
„Can you stay with me?" I ask not wanting to be all alone. I always got pretty bad nightmares when I feel alone in my sleep.
„Of Course! We promise we won't leave you for even a second!" Jane answers me. Her hand playing with my hair. It's really soothing to be honest! And as hurt as i am, it feels so good to be this close with my mates.
„Thanks." I sigh and then everything went completely black yet again.

Marcus's pov:
„Carlisle, please tell me what really is going on. She said that she had already said good bye to me. Please tell me that she isn't doing what I think she is!" I ask Carlisle after we were far enough away from any nosy ears.
„I am afraid she is. It's hard on us as well. She isn't only a part of your family you know. The most of us weren't to keen on having her mates here. But I explained to them that they may be the only chance we have." he answers me in apology. My heart breaking once again at the devastating news. I really hoped that she only got the flu or anything like that, but i guess it's as worse as i feared.
„I really am sorry Marcus! I heard from Edward how much she means to you." he tells me with an encouraging hand on my shoulder.
„Maybe they can make this right again. We do need to hope they do!" he adds before we get called back towards the house by a panicked locking Demetri.
„What happend?" i question feeling antsy about what might be going on.
„She moves! Not like I have ever seen before, but she moves!" he hurriedly says a bit shocked but happy none the less. Quickly running to my daughter, Carlisle right on my heels. When I did enter the room I am shocked beyond believes. My daughter flys on top of the bed, her two mates still next to her. They look a bit weirded out but they still keep their hands on their mate.
„It suddenly started! We don't know what is going on." Alec informs me.
„If you let go of her, you might get back down on your own two feet." Carlisle tells them, waiting for them to do just that but they don't even think about it.
„We promised to stay with her." Jane answers my unasked question. Smiling a little at them.
„If you promised her, then stay there with her. We will try and figure out something else." I tell them. They quickly nod at me, relieved that they weren't told to let go. But who am I to interfere with their promise to their mate. As much I have learned from my daughter till now, I know that a promise means a lot to her. So it's only logical that their mates don't want to break their promise to her.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now