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Amalias pov:
It now has become evening and the sad topic of going back to Italy was being discussed. I guess that everyone has seen my face fall, so they quickly shut up about the topic. But I know that we do have to go back sooner or later.
„We don't need to leave right away sweetheart. You just have woken back up, from whatever that has been! it might be wise to wait till you are completely fit again. Carlisle is also a doctor that we all do trust to make the best decision when you are completely healthy again. Other than that, since we still don't know what exactly had happened, we also don't know if something might happen again. I do think we all would be feeling way better if Carlisle would keep a good eye on you for at least a few more days!" Marcus says, reaching over the table to hold my hand.
„But you guys need to go back. You are needed there." I argue with him, sad but i know that it's true and I don't want to be a burden to them.
„Some more days won't be a problem sweetheart. Maybe some of us will be going back earlier. But right now your health is the most important to all of us. Am I right aro?" Marcus questions toward a surprisingly quiet aro.
„That's right Brother. I do think I will be going back today, caius is surely tired of handling everyone on his own. Even thought his biggest concern is how our lovely Amalia is doing. He already called a few times to ask if anything has changed and if you have already woken up. I suggest you stay here till Carlisle seems you healthy again! We do have doctors in Italy as well, but I do have to agree with Marcus that we do trust Carlisle judgment the most!" aro answers him with a soft smile towards me.
„Are you really sure? We can leave now too! I don't want to hold you up!" I ask feeling a bit unsure. I don't want to make their life's harder!
„Nonsense! You stay with Marcus and your mates! We all care for you, so your health is the most important! Carlisle will decide when you are healthy enough to fly back home to Volterra." aro says and I can see that he really means it. So without thinking too much into it, I hug him tightly.
„Thank you!" I say thankful that he is allowing me some more time with my friends and family.
„You are very welcome darling! Stay safe and we see each other back in Italy." he says and only half an hour later, he along with Felix and Demetri left. I of course made sure to hug Demetri extra tight for goodbye, he really has become like an older protective brother to me. Guess that's something I can look forward to when we have to go back to Italy.
„I just got your room ready, I hope you don't mind sharing with your mates." esme tells me softly when she comes back downstairs. Bella also has convinced Charlie that she can stay at the cullans house for some time, so the both of us can spend some time together. I did think about visiting him, but then again I don't want to get his hope up that I might be back again, only to crush his heart by telling him I am going to move for good.
„Thank you mum!" I answer her and get a kiss an my cheek from her in reply.
„Since when are you so close with esme? Not that we have a problem with it, it's just a shock since we thought Renee is your mum." Jane asks me softly. Seeing my sad frown she quickly try's to take her question back, but I do understand that she would like to know the whole story.
„Other than bella, I never had a real relationship with Renee. She has left me with Charlie but took bella with her. I don't really know why, but she never really cared for me at all. Where bella was her precious little girl, I meant nothing to her." I start my explanation with a small shrug. It's not a topic I love to talk about, but neither do I hate it since I choosed to move forward with my life after my birth mum has abandoned me.
„Since Charlie was pretty much overwhelmed with woman's talk he once went with me to the hospital in the hope for some assistance. Esme was there visiting Carlisle and saw us. She has started to talk to us and even went out of her way to offer her help to us. Esme has taught me pretty much everything I needed to know with being a woman. She also took on the role of a mum for me, it's like she new that I would need her support right from the very first time she saw me. Whenever i had an argument with Charlie or the bullies had gone too far again, she was there. Always ready to provide a shoulder to cry on and a hug to make everything better." I tell them and smile thankfully at the woman that had taken me under her wings even though she definitely didn't needed to.
„It was my luck to find you! I always saw you as my daughter and I always will see you as it!" she answers me with teary eyes. I do have to say that I certainly never tell her as often as I should how much she means to me. But still I guess that she knows. Because she is my mum, and a mum can feel what's going on with their child. That's what she has always told me. Every time something happened to me, she either called or got right to me. Always telling me about how she felt that I needed her, that she knew something happened!
„Thank you for being there for our mate! We will never be able to repay you for that!" Alec tells her sincerely.
„Don't be silly, I am just happy she is happy with you. So make sure she stays that way, that's the only thing I want from the both of you." she answers them.
„We will! We promise we will!" Jane promises her. Her hand pulling me closer to her so she could kiss my forehead.
„I am afraid I should get some sleep. I am completely exhausted even though I was sleeping the last two days." I sigh out.
„Told you that your body still needs time to get back to 100% healthy and strong. You May were sleeping, but your body had to go through a lot. It's hard on anyone being apart from their mate, but especially for humans it can get pretty dangerous right away. So sleep as much as your body tells you to!" Carlisle instructs softly. Knowing arguing won't change his mind and since I really am feeling drained, I kiss his, esme's and Marcus cheek before going upstairs. I did shout good night to the rest of the cullans. Well, the rest of the cullans Since Edward went upstairs with Bella a while ago already.
„Good night Alec! Goodnight Jane!" I say in between a few yawns.
„Goodnight princess!" they reply and softly kiss my cheeks. And that's the last I remember before falling into a deep an peaceful sleep.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now