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„I will go to Forks and help with the newborns." I say matter of factly. They immediately all start to argue with me but I made up my mind I they won't change it!
„It's either you taking me or I just teleport me there myself. You choose!" I threaten them. They need to understand that I am serious about it.
„Listen, i promise to be safe and if you all would feel better about it, I will take Demetri with me to look out for me. But I won't sit still and let my sister and mother get tortured or killed because Victoria can't get to her real target!" I tell them after they slowly have quietened down.
„Why Demetri? Why not us?" my mates ask me hurt that I wouldn't choose them.
„Because I don't know if you are even willing to go there to help. Demetri has promised me to help me with whatever I may decide on doing." I inform them with a shrug.
„We are not only willing to go there, we all where planning on going there to help with the fight. The cullan family is a part of your family and they were there for you. So we of course are planning on flying there." marcus says with a soft smile towards me. Nodding at him, relieved that they all are going to help them!
„So since you were so adamant on Demetri protecting you. He will be the one staying with you while we others fight alongside the cullans." alec says. And I know what he really means by it. He can't stop me from coming with them but he wouldn't tolerate me on the field where the fight is going to take place.
„When are we going to fly?" I ask wanting to leave as soon as possible.
„Now, so lets get moving everyone!" aro says and we all head out towards the privat jet, even though we would of been way faster if i would of been allowed to get us there. But I don't want to argue anymore, afraid they might change their mind and not let me come along.

When we finally land in America we all were running towards forks. We arrived early in the morning, Alec was nice enough to carry me since I was so tired. Ever since my pregnancy I had the habit of sleeping at least four to five hours a night, so this is my normal sleeping time.
„hey everybody! Thank you all for coming to help me and my family!" Carlisle says in a welcoming tone.
„Of course we came to help you friend! Would it be alright to get my Sweetheart to bed, before discussing how we are going to handle the newborns tomorrow." marcus softly says afraid he might wake me up.
„Don't worry, I am up dad." I mumble out slightly slurred in my tired haze.
„Let me get you to bed darling." mum says and softly takes me out of my mates arms and instead lays me down on the comfy bed in my old room.
„Can you stay a little?" i ask her. Instead of answering me she just lays herself next to me. Sighing happily, I really missed my mum a lot. So it's really lovely to have her this close to me now.
„You need to sleep darling! Don't worry I am staying with you till your mates get up here." she says while she caresses my back soothingly.
„Love you." i mumble out before my eyes fall shut.

The next time i open my eyes i see my mates sitting next to me with a worried frown on their beautiful faces.
„Hey!" I softly say so they know that I am awake.
„Good morning Princess!!" alec says and softly kisses me.
„Good morning Love!" Jane says and just like her brother leans down to kiss my lips softly.
„How long do we have Till the fight?" i ask them before pulling them both closer towards me.
„Alice thinks another four hours." Jane sighs the worry now back in her eyes again.
„You guys are worried. Why? I thought with your gifts you will easily overpower them." I ask. That's what they have been telling me the whole time on the plane, but than why are they so worried?
„That's true. We have already talked with the rest and have a bullet proof strategy. It's you we are worried for. You are carrying our babies and we can't stand the thought of you or them to get hurt." alec tells me. Caressing my swollen belly so softly I nearly can't even feel the caress.
„We are doing to be completely fine, don't worry about it!" I tell them, trying to sooth their worries to the best of my abilities.
„We will always worry about you! You are the very reason we are happy again. So of course we are worried of losing you as well as our babies! We love you three so much!" Jane says her eyes getting we from tears at the fright of losing me or our babies.
„Babe, I promise I will not leave this house while you are gone. Demetri is also going to keep me safe. So there is no need to worry! Just get back to me in one piece!" I tell them, softly kissing both of their lips softly.
„We will! No one will ever make us stay away from you! That's just impossible!!" alec answers me. The time went by way too far, and now I have to say bye to my whole family except my brother who was instructed to not leave me out of his eyesight. I made sure to hug them all extra tightly and make them promise me to get back to me healthy and in one piece. My mates kiss me a few more times before they all head out to fight of the newborns and Victoria.
Just as they where out of eye sight I feel my stomach starting to hurt. But i can't be going in labor just yet, Carlisle said four months.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang