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Amalias pov:
Slowly I wake back up, feeling way better than before. My energy is back up and the tiredness is all gone now again. I slowly look around the empty room, only now seeing that my mates are still sleeping next to me. My two little cherubs were still in my arms, both of them slowly waking back up as well. Jamie, as I decided to call my little princess rubs her tiny fists on her eyes.
„Don't do that Baby Girl, that can hurt your eyes." i softly whisper to her and she quickly looks at me before smiling widely at me. Her brother, Alessio, also looks to me with a bright smile at hearing my voice.
„You two are just the cutest!" I tell them, kissing their whole faces making them squeal out in happiness. Two strong arms slowly embrace me to my two loving mates. They kiss me softly on the lips before kissing both the babies on the forehead as well.
„Mummy!" my babies say and I right away feel my eyes fill with the venom that is more recognizable as tears. They just called me mommy! They said their first word and it was my name! I could literally burst in happiness. Cuddling the two little one even closer into my chest.
„That's right you zwo! I am your mummy!! And never forget how much mummy loves you!" I tell them kissing their foreheads yet again. Hearing my mates whine a little, I guess they do want to hold their babies just as much as me.
„Can we hold them?" Jane asks pleadingly. Her hands already reaching out towards Alessio. Knowing that they both need them, I kiss my babies head yet again before slowly handing Alessio towards a widely smiling Jane and Jamie towards an equally excited alec.
„So I hope you both don't mind, but I kind of decided on names already." I say hoping they won't get mad about it. I also don't know from where the names had be coming from. Just as I had been waking up and looked at their cute little faces the names just appeared in my head. I also do think that the names fit them perfectly and they also start with an A and a J, just like my mates and i had decided on. They both look a bit irritated but just told me to tell them the names I had been picking.
„You are holding our baby girl Jamie and Jane you have our baby boy Alessio. I hope you like the names." I say before nervously bite my lips. Not wanting for them to be mad at my choice or even hate the names I had picked out. A soft finger touches my chin and pull it back up so I now am looking directly at Jane.
„Those are amazing names! I think they fit our little ones perfectly!!" She softly says before leaning closer and kissing my lips softly.
„Yeah, the names are absolutely perfect! And just like we were talking they start with A and J! That's perfect!" alec says also kissing my lip softly. Feeling relieve running through my body like never before! I really am happy that they love the names just like myself.
„Daddy!!" My Baby Girl squeals out since alec was tickling her soft little tummy. We all look shocked at the little girl!
„Momma!" Alessio squeals just like his sister just did. Both of my mates have wet eyes. Happy that their babies recognize them as their parents just like myself. We all smile brightly, softly as to not hurt our little ones we all hug.
„I guess we should get our little ones something to eat, don't you think?" I ask my mates after pulling back from the hug. Both of the babies are quick to reach out to me as if saying food sound good let's go. Scooping them up in my arms yet again, i carefully walk downstairs towards the kitchen where everyone else were already.
„Ah! Just on time! Here, I already made them some bottles!" Esme happily says as she sees me.
„Can I feed one of them?" dad questions a bit afraid I might reject his plea.
„I think Jamie would love for her granddad to feed her!" I say with a wide smile. My baby squeals as well, just as if she was agreeing with me. Dad quickly yet softly and carefully takes the little girl into his arms. He kisses her forehead softly, quickly kissing Alessio as well before taking the offered bottle from Esmes outstretched hand and holding the bottle towards Jamie's awaiting mouth.
„May i?" Esme asks softly while pointing to Alessio. Before I even can answer, Alessio is teaching out to esme who of course takes him happily and also holding the bottle towards his lips. The two little ones keep tugging on the bottles in delight, so I sat myself next to my mates.
„So Jamie for the little girl. But what's the name of the little fella?" caius asks me with wonder. Smiling at him brightly, he seems so happy. Even though I have seen him happy before, but since the little ones are here, he just keeps on beaming at them in happiness.
„Alessio, his name is Alessio!" Jane informs him proudly. Everyone complements us on the names and of the cuteness off our babies. When they have finished their bottles they got handed around to my family, everyone smiling at them with love. And the two little ones seem to enjoy all the attention they were getting since they nearly never stop squealing happily.
„Thank you!" my mates softly tell me with soft smiles. Not understanding what they were thanking me for. I guess my face was mirroring my confusion, since the chuckle softly.
„For not rejecting us, even thought we would of deserved it. For living us and for giving us two wonderful babies!" they say simultaneously. I feel my eyes tearing up yet again, knowing if i could I would be blushing like never before!!
„And since we all are together now, we would like to ask if you would do us the honor of marrying us?" the ask me with hopeful eyes. I swear I was shocked beyond believes!! I always thought they wouldn't want to get married! They seem to get nervous since I haven't answered them till now. Slowly a huge smile spreads on my face in pure joy!
„Yes! I would absolutely love to get married to you two!" I answer with a huge smile. They took a relieved breath and quickly pull me tightly into their chest. Feeling loved and cared for right away, like always when they hold me like that!!
„I hope you don't mind that we already picked out a ring." Jane softly whispers while alec slowly pushes a beautiful ring on my Ringfinger.
„Wow!" is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. The ring is absolutely beautiful!! Not too over dramatic, but still absolutely breathtaking. It's a small golden band with one big diamond in the middle and little diamonds that surround the bigger one in two rows.
„The ring looks absolutely perfect! Thank you so much!" I say a bit choked up from pure joy and happiness. Someone handed me my two little babies and just like that, I feel complete. With my babies in my arms and my mates next to me! That's just how it always was supposed to me!!! I can't wait what the rest of my existence will be like! But one thing I know for sure, as long I have my mates and my babies around me, everything is going to be perfect.

The end!!

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now