Ginnys Guest List

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I decided to throw a bbq party and invited a certain friend of mine and her husband over for a end of summer blow out. My boss is joining us again this year. My teams and their wives are always invited. Our property is part of the London compound and very private. Somehow Mr London created walls for all his staff who live on the compound to allow us our private lives as well as his own. At first my husband resisted until he saw the place and decided it was great.
Ginny told me that Enid and her family are joining us today. She also said that her sister was otherwise engaged. Whatever that means.
Ann really you should come with us to this bbq party. There are a lot if single men according to Ginny. She scoffed and told me no thanks.
I know exactly what Enid was doing. I also told her to stop trying to set me up again. I grab my things and head to the door. My plans were to buy a few new outfits for a book signing locally. Weekends are the busiest. Today I have an adult book and a child's book at the same time and location. We are starting the launch today. So I will be at the book stores all day on both Saturday and Sunday. With the nice weather we get a nice amount of fans of my writing. I designed my own book covers. The art work in the child's book was a collaborative effort. How to ride a horse is the children's book. It is geared to teach children on how to treat and ride a horse. Not all people want or need it, but it has good information along with a good story line. The adult book is How to survive, a romance story. I based it on real life. This weekend was a real eye opener. I met a few people who were fans of mine and two asked if they could create a child's book on how to survive trauma in a child's vision. I tell them to call me when they want to meet and discuss it.
I found out about the book signing for my favorite author and go check it out and buy her latest books. I just loved her sense of humor in the worse kind of drama in ones lives. I bought several as gifts for family and friends. The children's book was funny and educational at the same time. So I am calling the publisher and making a deal for a large amount if books for us to give to children to read and enjoy. Of course the author doesn't use her real name to write under. But she slides me her business card with her number on it. Her nom de plume is Nan Neal short and sweet and memorable. I tell her I will call soon and might ask her to do a book signing of my own for charities.
I am having a blast at Ginnys and notice the guy from the restaurant. I decide to find someplace else to be at, like the restroom. I am short enough I can blend and I do it quickly.
Hey Enid my boss wants a word with you, do you mind?
Not at all(I lie) I follow her into her home office. There he sits along with his MIBs waiting with him. I am asked to sit down, now I am feeling no pain at this time. I can say this I only caught glimpses of him at the restaurant and now up close and in better lighting he is one hot sexy man. (don't  drool Enid). Ginny introduces me to a Mr James London the billionaire, single from what I heard. Oh now this is someone who Ann could date.
Okay I want to thank you for recording Isobel and Gina and then giving Ginny the recording. My problem is this, why and how did you come o hunk they were up to no good? Then I find out that you wrote 12 letters to me for your sister. Who had no idea you did it. Again why?
The recording of Gina and Isobel was because when you threw Gina out, I noticed that Isobel seemed to know her and you looked like you were in the dark about them knowing each other. So I had to leave and come back and saw Gina waiting for some reason. She didn't notice me at all. After you walked Isobel to her car and left disgusted about her grabbing you and kissing you. She walked to where Gina was waiting so I kept recording and following until they parted ways.
The letters were my effort to get my sister a good husband. She is a widow and has suffered so much loss in her life. She could use a good man. I saw your ad and she did as well, I couldn't get her to write to you, so I did in hopes you both would fall in love. She is a good person who needs a good mate. My sister found out when Ginny called her. To say she was angry is an understatement. She outed me to our whole family. Any other questions?
So I understand she is refusing to meet me on false pretenses. So how can we make it happen? I saw her picture is she as down to earth or is that facade.
I can answer that she is just what she seems to be. We met for lunch.
When did this happen?
You gave me her cell number in the letters. She reminds me of her lunch with Ann. She wanted to see the letters and she told me you were the writer of them.
Do you do things like this all the time?
Not at all. She just needed a push forward before she becomes a weird cat lady.
A cat lady huh? So tell me more about her.
As I tell him all about Ann from the early years up until now. An hour later I find my husband waiting in our car for me. Security told him that I was in a meeting about the usb thumb drive. I also said  that Ann needs a man.

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