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Anita was worried, she didn't know what to do. She however knew she needed to go back to Calabar or even call her friend.

"How do I reach Ada now? I need to lodge in an hotel first."

Anita had not noticed she was soliloquising.

"Ah! The doctor asked me to come see him o, I almost forgot.
"Anita you need to calm down, everything will be okay." She said to herself before leaving for the doctor's office.

In no time, Anita was able to locate his office with the help of a nurse.She knocked on the door and awaited his reply,

"Yes? Come in."

Anita came inside and closed the door behind her.

"Doctor, you asked me to come pick up the prescriptions."

"Yes, these are the list of drugs you should get, you can ask the receptionist to direct you to the pharmacy. You can drop the drugs with one of the nurse."

"OK sir."

"Please, hurry with the drugs, we would need to start administering them to her as soon as possible."

Anita rushed to the pharmacy to get the drugs and within a twinkle of an eye, she was back with the drugs.

She was exhausted and hungry and to top it all, it was already getting dark.

After contemplating on whether to lodge or just spend the night with Ella in her room, she finally decided she was going to lodge in an hotel nearby.

After handing over the drugs, she asked one of the nurse,

"Please Nurse, do you know of any decent hotel around?"

"Yes, Sheraton hotel is just 5 minutes drive from here."

"Oh perfect! Thanks and please, I really need to get a new phone so, do you know where I can get that also?"

"Ah! That one is quite far from here o, you will have get to the market or order from an online store."

"I actually thought about the online store but those ones take like 3 days to deliver and I am praying I shouldn't stay that long. I am not from around here, I live in Calabar."

"Oh! Eeyah, sorry o. Don't worry ma, the girl will be fine by God's grace."

"She has to be, I even know she will be fine sef. I need to get going, I am really tired, we will see tomorrow. Take care of yourself."

"Good bye ma, make sure you rest well o."

"I will. Thanks."

The hotel was exactly 5 minutes drive from the hospital just like the nurse had said. She lodged herself comfortably in a mini suite.
Immediately after taking her shower, she retired for the night.


Anita woke up the next morning with a slight headache and body pain.

"Wow, it's been a while I felt this way."

She was not the type to eat in the morning, she stood up to stretch her body. She was heading for the shower when she suddenly stopped.

"Oh my God! I have a meeting I must attend by tomorrow in Abuja. How do I sort myself now? What do I do and I can't afford to miss this meeting o."

Anita was a bank manager of KeyStone Bank. She had an appointment with one of their major investors that she could not afford to miss.

In her confused state,she headed for the shower, she didn't really have time to scrub herself. She repeated the clothes she wore the previous day as that was the only clothes she had on her and headed straight for the market.
Anita had flare for iPhone and couldn't use any other phone apart from iPhone. She got herself iPhone X and retrieved her SIM card.

She quickly dialed Ada's number as that was one of the number she knew offhand.

Ada was her best friend from primary school and also her flat mate.

"Hello Ada, good morning."

"Anita, what happened? I have been trying your number, it's been saying switched off.
Why are you behaving like this? Don't you think I would have been worried? I was about going to report you missing at the police station when your call came in."

"Ada calm down nao, at least you would let me explain what happened."

"What happened, are you okay? You are making me scared o."

"You know the last time I called, I told you it was about to rain and you advised I should wait for the rain to stop?"

"Yes I can remember, what now happened?"

"I didn't wait, I felt the rain was mild. However, as soon as I hit the express it became very heavy and there was no way I could go back."

"Anita, you are scaring me, are you okay? Where are you?"

"Ada, I am fine, there is nothing wrong with me but I hit an innocent girl and she is in a critical condition right now."

"Jesus Christ!! How come, how did you do it?"

"It was raining and I couldn't see the road clearly. I wish I had listened."

"Just calm down babe, you will be fine I promise, you can't blame yourself for what happened."

"It's not about me, it's about her."

"She will be fine Anita, don't over-stress yourself. I will be here for you if you need anything."

"Thanks, I have to check up on her in the hospital. Will get back to you."

"No problem. Please, keep me updated on everything."

"I will dear, thanks."

Anita drove to the hospital and just as she was entering the hospital, she ran into the doctor.

"Doctor, good morning, is she responding to treatment?"

"Good morning." The doctor said smiling. "That girl is definitely a fighter. She's responding quickly to treatment and I am sure in no time she would regain consciousness."

Tears rolled down Anita's cheeks as she finally took in the good news.

"Doctor, you don't know how happy I am with this news. If only you know how I feel right now. Can I see her?"

"Sure, why not. You know the room she is?"

"Sure, yes I do, thanks."

She entered into Ella's room gently and she couldn't help but admire Ella. She looked beautiful and fragile on the bed.
As She stood admiring her, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of parents would have left such a beauty to be wandering on the street in that kind of rain.

"What if someone else had hit her? what if she had died? Some people do not deserve children o. When she wakes up she should be able to tell me the whereabouts of her parents sha." Anita thought to herself.


We have come to the end of this chapter, thanks for reading.

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