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Biggi came back home with Joyce and two bags, they had just got back from shopping for Ella and they were about to knock on Ella's door when Ben came out.

"Oh! you are back."

"Yes sir, and I brought Joyce with me."

"I can see that, you both should hasten up with her dressing, I have to leave in the next three hours. Also, I want to trust your fashion sense will do justice to her rebranding."

"Yes sir. Joyce did the shopping and you know she never goes wrong on things like this."

"Okay then."

"Joyce." He called out turning to her direction. "Please, don't spend too much time on her makeup."

"No sir, I won't."

"Okay, just let me know once you are done."

They both entered the room where Ella was kept and found her laying quietly on the floor with her blood stained sheet wrapped in her hands.

Biggi let out a loud laugh before saying

"Oga has done justice to the girl."

"Poor girl, this was her first time. Where did you find her?" Joyce asked.

"Fred and I found her on the streets."

"What luck you have! I am sure Ben must have paid a lot for her."

"Of course he did."

Ella listened as they both spoke about her like she was a piece of furniture. As if she was not present in the room.

"Young lady, can you please sit up? I will need to clean you up and dress you."

Ella remained on the floor, not responding to any of their request.

"Ma'am, can you hear me? You need to sit up."

"Is she okay?"

"What's your name?"

Ella still didn't respond to her questions or her gestures.

"Biggi, what's her name?"

"I don't know her name, we brought her in unconscious."

Ella remained silent, staring at nothing in particular.

"Are you sure she's okay?"

"Is she deaf or something? She's not even moving."

"You know what? Why don't we dress her up? Ben won't find it funny if he comes to the room and still finds her like this."

"That's a good suggestion. Help me lift her up, then you can go pack her luggage."

"Which and which do I pack?"

"I know Ben very well. He would want to show off his latest merchandise. Leave the blue backless gown, and the white heels it will look good on her."

"As your lordship pleases." Biggi replied as he assisted Joyce to lift Ella up from the ground.

Joyce took Ella to the bathroom and bathed for her. She couldn't help but soliloquise as she scrubbed her body.

"Nawa o, this girl no even move or talk since morning. Shey they have not used this one head bayi? How will clients patronize her now? Anyway, I am sure Ben knows exactly what he is doing."

She helped Ella out of the jacuzzi and helped her sit on a chair in front of the mirror.

A lone tear rolled down Ella's face as she was about starting her makeup.

"Babe, please stop it." She shouted at Ella.

"I am not cut in for this shit. Don't come and ruin my work with your tears. You won't talk or move and now this. No be me send you come here o, my own sef dey my body."

She took out wipes from her makeup box and used it to clean her face, after which she started performing some magic on Ella's face.

When she was done she smiled at herself appreciating her work.

"Wow!! Babe, I swear you are a real beauty, you fine scatter. With this new look you've got, you can wrap any man under your fingers. Anyone will mistake you for a beauty queen."

She stood Ella up and wore her the blue dress and heels.

"God really took his time to create you, your shape is a perfect example of an hour glass, I will give anything to be you right now." she said turning Ella to look at her self in the mirror.

Ella looked more matured than her age with the makeup and dress. She would be easily mistaking for one of those classy and sophisticated ladies. She couldn't help but think to herself as she stared into the mirror.

"God, did I beg you for this? The beauty? The shape? All of it has brought me nothing but pain, please take it away."

"Babe, say something nao. I know you hear me and I am sure you can talk. I am really sorry for the way I reacted the other time it's because..."

Biggi who has been standing outside the door for a while now, finally knocked on it. "Aren't you guys done? Boss is ready."

"We will be out soon, dear."

Joyce came out of the room holding Ella's hand and smiling.

"And now I present to you Miss World 2020." She said as they stepped out of the room.

Biggi was awed and speechless at the sight of Ella. He tried to speak but his mouth failed  him. After some seconds, he said,

"I really don't know what to say right now, she's more than beautiful."

"Since you don't know what to say, you can just compliment my works."

Ben came out of his room where he had been on call for the past three hours, and froze immediately he saw Ella.

"Who said the pretty ones are yet to be born? Well, I have just confirmed that, that theory is wrong."

Coming close to Ella, he whispered, "You know, you remind me so much of my wife when she was young."

He used his fingers to stroke Ella's neck causing her to jerk in fear.

Ben laughed out loud then turned to Biggi, "Get her things together, my jet has arrived. You are about to start a new life, love."

He offered to walk Ella to the jet but she shoved his hands away.

"Don't worry sir I will walk her." Joyce offered, seeing Ella's reaction.

Ella was so grateful to Joyce for saving her from walking with the devil that she immediately grabbed her hand.


We have come to the end of this chapter, thanks for reading.

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