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"Ada, are you already dressed?" Anita called from her room.

"Why isn't this girl answering? Don't tell me she fell asleep already!"

"Ada!" Anita called out again as she left her room for the sitting room where Ada was.

"Haba Ada! So, you were awake and you allowed me to keep on shouting. Wait o, is this tears I see in your eyes? Don't tell me you have been crying?"

"This movie is so emotional, I am sure you will cry if you watch it."

"What's the title of the movie that you are seeing sef?"

"It's King of Boys." She replied sniffing her nose. "Have you seen the movie."

"Yes, I have and I don't see what's so emotional about the movie."

"Haba! Girl, you are heartless. How would you watch such a movie and not get emotional? What about the part where she lost her kids or the part she was set ablaze?" She replied as she broke down in tears.

"OK, I agree it's emotional. Can you go clean up your face now and get dressed? It's about time we leave."

"OK mummy. I would do that now."

"Stop calling me mummy and be fast. I will be waiting for you in the car."

Ten minutes later Ada came to join Anita in the car, all dressed up. As she opened the front door, Anita took a quick glance at her before she finally spoke.

"Now you look like a normal being."

"Really? And what did I look like before?"

"A mourning widow." Anita replied as she drove out the compound.

"Jesus Christ!! Anita, I reserve my comment."

"Please do dear, it will save you the stress."

In no time they were at the hospital as the road was very free from traffic.

They found a secured space for her to pack her car as the hospital parking lot was already full.

"I can't remember the last time I visited this hospital, the smell makes me sick." Ada said as she slammed the door of the car.

"I hope the doctor is on seat, he is always very busy, I guess he is the best around here."

Just as Anita was about knocking on the door of the doctor’s office, the doctor opened the door.

"Oh, I was just about to knock, good morning sir. "

"Good morning Miss, how was your night? Good morning Ma'am." He said facing Ada.

"Is she your sister?"

"She's my best friend and flat mate." Anita replied.

"Oh! You girls kind of look alike, anyone would mistake you both for sisters."

"Thanks, we get to hear that a lot."

"I was just about checking up on your sister now. If you don't mind, we can all leave now."

"That would be great. I can't wait to meet the little princess that has been stressing us all."

"Shall we?" He asked, leading the way to Ella's room. Her room was very silent, the only thing that could be heard were noises from outside. The doctor checked her temperature and her heartbeat while Anita and Ada stood patiently observing the doctor.

"Well, everything is normal. Let's just hope that in no time she comes around. I will give you both time to be with her." 

The doctor was about to leave the room when he heard a faint voice behind him.

"Is that what I think it is?" Anita said jumping up from the chair where she was seated.

"My head hurts." This time the voice was more clear but still faint.

"She's awake, Doctor. She's awake." Anita shouted, not realizing she was already crying.

"Calm down dear, don't try to come up, you have an injury on your head."

"My head, it hurts really bad. Where am I? What am I doing here?" 

"I am your Doctor, my name is Nelson. You were involved in a very serious accident. Can you remember anything?"

"No, I can't remember anything."

"Do you remember any of this ladies standing here?"

"No I can't. Am I supposed to know them?"

"What's your name? Can you remember your name?" 

Ella was silent for a while there was tension in the room. Anita was holding Ada's hand very tightly like her stamina depends on her.

"Do you remember your name, darling?  The doctor asked again.

"No I can't, I don't know my name."

"You know what you will do for me darling? You will lie down back on the bed so I can examine every part of your body."

She laid down just as the doctor had instructed.

The doctor took out an injection from his tray.

"I would just use this to touch you,i need you to make a sound if you feel anything. Do you understand?"

Ella tried to nod her head but let out a very loud cry in pain.

"Calm down dear, don't try to stress yourself. You can just answer with yes or no."

The doctor used the injection on her hand and legs and foot. Anita said yes as she felt the injection on her.

"Now dear, I would have the nurse give you some painkiller for your headache. It's going to make you sleep for a little while." He said then turned to the ladies.

"I have to leave now, I have other patients to attend to. You can stay with her for a while before the nurse steps in but make sure you see me before you leave."

"Thanks Doctor, I sure will." Anita replied.

Anita held Ella's hand while Ada sat in the bed close to her.

"Everything will be fine pretty soon and you will go home. I am sure it's because of your headache you can’t remember anything. Once the nurse inject you and you wake up, you will be fine." Anita said smiling at her.

"What an angel, you are so pretty." Ada  couldn't help but admire.

"Who are you? What am I doing here?"

They were both speechless, not knowing what reply to give to the poor girl so as not to confuse her. Just as they sat thinking of what to say, they heard the door open. The nurse had come in with her injection.

"Listen angel, we have to leave now so the nurse can attend to you but I will answer all your questions once I am back."

They both went to the doctors office after leaving Ella's room.

"Doctor, you asked me to come. Is she okay?"

The doctor shifted his gaze to Ada in a questioning manner then back to Anita.

"Oh it's okay, she can stay. She knows about everything."

"She's suffering from amnesia, she currently can't remember anything. "

"Wow!" Ada exclaimed while Anita let out a loud sigh.

"How long would it take her to regain her memory?"

"I can't tell you that. We can only try to help her regain her memory and pray everything works out fine."

"How do we do that?" Ada asked.

"You have to surround her with things and people she loved, hopefully it will help her. I would also prescribe some drugs for her."

"How long does she have to stay here?"

"We would need to observe her for two weeks, if everything goes normal without any complications, we can discharge her."

"Thank you doctor, any other information?"

"None for now. I will inform you of any new development."

"Can we check on her before leaving?" Ada asked the doctor.

"No, you can't. She would be asleep and I would not want her to be disturbed."

"Oh! Okay. Have a nice day sir." Anita said and the Doctor advised,

"Thanks. Make sure you rest well and take care of yourself also and please shut the door behind you."


We have come to the end of this chapter, thanks for reading.

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