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It were the end of the first break period in the morning and Ally had just left her classroom. She wandered down the corridor to Lexie's classroom and waited for a few moments. A few students started leaving the classroom. One of them was Rebecca.

She nudged Ally as she walked past. Ally didn't say or do anything as she regained her balance and kept her head low. A few seconds later Ally glanced into the classroom and saw Lexie walking towards her.

"I can't stand that bitch, ugh she gets on my nerves!" Lexie stated in a very annoyed tone as she stood in front of Ally and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. "Reb?" Ally asked. "Yes, Reb. The rude, disrespectful, annoying fuck that's some how allowed to even be allowed to come to college" Lexie snapped.

"Just ignore her Lex, she's just trying to get you into trouble" Ally said softly. "Well she's doing a good bloody job at trying too!" Lexie replied angrily. "Please Lexie, I don't want you to get hurt" Ally said. "Thanks for having no faith in me" Lexie told her, moving so her back was leaning against the wall.

"Last time she nearly broke your arm Lexie, I just don't want you two getting into another fight... I don't want you getting into trouble" Ally pleaded. "It's alright for you, I'm the one stuck with her" Lexie argued, turning to look at Ally again.

"So you've said Lex" Ally sighed. "Look, all I'm saying is that it's a bit hard to stay calm when she's being the biggest bitch known to this building!" Lexie told Ally.

Ally sighed softly as Lexie rested the side of her head against the wall. "I'm just worried you'll end up getting kicked out of college for good... The head isn't happy with you both and another out burst could do it" Ally pointed out.

Lexie sighed in response. "Come on, let's go to the library" Ally said softly. Lexie looked at Ally and smiled a little. "Alright" Lexie agreed, making Ally smiled. Lexie put her arm round Ally and the pair walked off to the library.

Ally took out her folder and placed it down on the table her and Lexie were sat at. "I don't know why I agree to come to the library" Lexie mumbled. "Because I come here and you have no where else to go or anyone else to talk too" Ally smiled. Lexie smiled and rolled her eyes. "Well you could at least pick more interesting places to hang out" Lexie pointed out. "But I like the library" Ally said softly. "Yeah, yeah I know" Lexie smiled. Lexie then sighed a little. Ally glanced at Lexie and smiled before looking back down.

A little while went by and it was time to go back to lesson. Ally and Lexie walked together as they arrived near Ally's classroom. They saw Rebecca down the hall as they arrived. "See you lunch time Lex" Ally smiled. "Sorry Als, Abbie needs us to stay behind and do something for like ten minutes of lunchtime" Lexie revealed. "Oh well, that's okay. I'll be in the classroom. I want to print my photos off anyway and lunch time is the best time to do it" Ally replied.

"Alright, see you later" Lexie smiled. "Yeah okay" Ally smiled as Lexie turned around and hurried back to lesson. As Lexie approached her classroom, Rebecca smirked at her. "How's your best friend?" Rebecca said in a sarcastic tone. "Fuck off Reb" Lexie muttered as she walked past. "I was only saying, I don't see her as often as you" Rebecca replied. Lexie stopped walking and turned to face Rebecca. "Leave her alone Reb" Lexie told her angrily. "I know, you've told me" Rebecca smiled.

"Yeah and I mean it. You do anything to her and I swear I'll pull your hair out" Lexie threatened. Rebecca smiled again "We'll see" Rebecca said before Lexie turned around and continued towards her classroom.

Lexie angrily entered the classroom and walked over to her place. "Are you okay Lexie?" Abbie asked. "Yes I'm fine" Lexie snapped as she sat down and played around with some fabric on the table in front of her.

Ally smiled as she saved her work and sent it to a printer in the college. "Are you printing those photos with the printer downstairs?" Simon asked as he appeared beside Ally. "Yeah, I want them to look and feel the best" Ally replied. Simon smiled and nodded.

An hour or so went by and Ally's class was dismissed. Ally finished what she was doing and left the classroom. She walked downstairs and entered a room that had the printer in.

Ally printed off the photos and walked over to a table. She started to put them carefully in her folder before leaving the room and going back to her classroom. On the way, she saw Rebecca. Ally kept her head down as she walked.

Rebecca saw her and smirked. She then shoved Ally, making her drop her folder. "Whoops, didn't see you" Rebecca said sarcastically. She saw the folder on the floor and a few of the photos.

Rebecca quickly grabbed the photos. "Hey, Reb they're mine! Give them back!" Ally pleaded. "Shut up and stop crying" Rebecca replied nastily, pushing her back. "I'm not crying, just... Give them back, please" Ally asked. "Just because you asked nicely you think I'm going to do what you say?" Rebecca scoffed.

She then looked at the photos which had Lexie on. "These photos are shit" Rebecca spat, ripping them quickly before dropping the pieces on the floor. "Reb!" Ally exclaimed in an upset tone. "You're welcome, they're an improvement" Rebecca remarked as she walked past Ally.

Ally sadly kneeled down and picked up her folder and the ripped up photos slowly. She then stood up and made her way to her classroom. As Ally entered, she closed the door and walked over to her computer. Ally sat down and put her folder on the desk in front of her.

She then opened up the folder to where she stuffed the ripped up photos. All of them were ruined. Ally picked up one of the pieces of what had Lexie's face in. She stared at it with a sad expression on her face.

Ally quickly picked up the pieces of the photos and stuffed them into her bag before turning back to her folder. All of a sudden the door to the classroom burst open. Ally turned around quickly to look at the door. "Hello, what's this? One of my students haven't fucked off yet?" Lexie said in a deep voice with a big smile on her face and her hands on her hips.

"Lex, Simon doesn't talk like that" Ally pointed out, smiling a little and turning back to her desk. "Nah but I got the voice right" Lexie grinned as she entered. "Sure" Ally replied, shaking her head. "Anyway, you finished? I'm hungry" Lexie stated, hugging Ally from behind.

"Yeah okay" Ally agreed, closing her folder. "Great! Let's go!" Lexie exclaimed excitedly, moving to the doorway. Ally stood up and made sure she had everything. "Did you print those photos?" Lexie asked from the doorway.

Ally froze as she stared down at her folder. "Uh... Not yet, I-I had to finish something off and didn't get time" Ally lied, her face turning red. "Fair enough" Lexie replied, looking out into the hallway. Ally quickly put her folder into her bag and walked out the classroom. "Slow down, I'm hungry too you know!" Lexie called, catching up to Ally and putting her arm round her neck...

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