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"It's nothing, alright! I've told you!" Lexie told Ally. "But Lexie" Ally began to protest. "Fuck sake! Leave it will you!" Lexie snapped angrily.

The class fell silent. "Lexie? Is everything okay?" Abbie asked. Lexie looked at her. Then at Rebecca. Then Ally.

Lexie turned round and ran towards the classroom door and ran out.

Abbie looked at Ally as she quickly chased after Lexie. Abbie then looked at the students. "Uh, carry on everyone" Abbie told the class.

"Lexie!? Slow down Lex!" Ally called, catching up to Lexie down the corridor from the classroom. Lexie was leaning against the wall with her back to Ally.

"What's wrong? I know something is really bothering you" Ally pointed out, standing beside Lexie. "Nothing Als. Look, I'm sorry I snapped alright?" Lexie replied, looking at Ally.

"I don't believe you" Ally pointed out. "Well that's tough ain't it, I'm alright. Just needed to get out and shit" Lexie shrugged.

"That's not good enough Lex. I don't care that you snapped at me or that you ran out. But I am worried as to why you've been acting so weird lately. Especially today. I want to know what's wrong and what made you storm out. Something is wrong Lex and you can deny it as much as you want but I know you" Ally replied.

"I know when something is bothering you and I know that this time, something is really bothering you" Ally added. "I-it's nothing alright" Lexie told her, shaking her head and putting on a fake smile.

Ally sighed and stared at Lexie for a few moments. "Lexie please, it's upsetting you. I can tell. Talk to me please" Ally urged softly, stepping closer and placing her arm on Lexie's shoulder. Lexie glanced at Ally. "This is me. This is us. Whether there is something or not, I want to help you Lexie because I care about you. I always will" Ally added. Lexie nodded slightly.

"There is something Als but... I-I just need a bit of time. I don't want you to worry about me, okay?" Lexie revealed softly. "Will you tell me at some point?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, I-I promise" Lexie replied, smiling a little. "Okay Lex" Ally said, smiling back. "Let's go back to class" Ally added.

"Sure" Lexie agreed. The pair turned around and began walking back to the classroom.A few hours went by. As they worked, Lexie was very quiet and seemingly distracted whenever Ally would talk to her and she wouldn't reply straight away.

"Hey Lexie, not going to run out again and cry are you?" Rebecca smirked. "Leave us alone Reb" Ally said. "Yeah fuck off, I didn't cry" Lexie stated angrily.

"Look at you! Seems as though you two are switching. Ally's becoming more of a ballsy bitch and you're becoming more of a pussy" Rebecca replied. "Fuck off or I'll make you" Lexie answered. Rebecca walked away from the pair.

"Right everyone, the classroom will be open for you all to use after lunch. You are more than welcome to use the classroom or go home this afternoon, it is up to you" Simon announced. "See you tomorrow everyone" Abbie added.

The students began packing away their things as Simon left the classroom. Rebecca smirked at Ally and Lexie as she walked past. Lexie gave her a hateful look as she watched Rebecca leave the room.

"Come on Lex, let's go home" Ally said softly, linking her arm with Lexie's. "You sure? What about this afternoon and the shit we've got to sort out?" Lexie asked. "It can wait, we need to talk" Ally replied.

"Alright, let's go" Lexie agreed. The pair gathered their things and left the classroom. The walk home was silent. Ally glanced at Lexie every so often as they walked.

Ally led the way into their house as they walked down the hallway and into the living room. Ally sat down first as Lexie stayed standing. "Look Als, I-I don't think I wanna talk about this just yet. Can we just leave it?" Lexie said in an awkward tone.

"Lexie..." Ally sighed, standing up to get closer to her. "I-I know that I wasn't truthful to you before about how I felt about you... But I had my reasons. I was worried how you would react. You're this amazing and beautiful girl who's confident and fiery" Ally went on.

"And my best friend loves guys. She is all those things. And... I felt that if I told you I had feelings for you, you'd think or see me differently... You'd be weird with me and it'll hurt us. I-I don't want that. Not ever. But I told you because it was hurting me. Not being able to say anything" Ally revealed.

She paused and looked down as Lexie stared at her. "Lex... I'm glad I told you. It lifted so much off my shoulders. I felt better when I told you and I felt even better that nothing changed between us. So please Lexie... Don't hide it away like I did. Tell me what's wrong" Ally urged, looking Lexie in the eyes.

Lexie wasn't smiling as the same upset face appeared like before. Her breaths started to pick up nervously. "Als... I uhm... I'm just scared, you know" Lexie said in a shaky tone.

"Scared of what Lex?" Ally asked softly, placing her hand on Lexie's forearm. "I'm just scared" Lexie replied, looking down and hiding her face.

"It's okay to admit you are. I know how tough you like to be. And how much you like to hide the softer side of you... But it's okay to be scared. We can be scared together" Ally pointed out, ducking her head so Lexie would see her face.

Lexie lifted her head, her eyes watered a little as she breathed out shakily. "What's wrong Lex?" Ally asked her softly. Lexie closed her eyes for a few moments before opening them. "Als... I... I have feelings for you alright!?" Lexie revealed in a loud tone. Ally's eyes widened in shock. Lexie quickly turned and ran to the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her...

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