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"You coming?" Ally asked. "I've just got to put these away, you go ahead I'll catch up" Lexie answered.

"Okay, I'm going to the loo and I'll see you out side" Ally said and she walked off out the classroom.

She closed the door behind her and walked down the corridor as her attention turned to her bag as she looked down.

Ally looked in her bag to make sure she had everything before bumping into her teacher Simon. "Hello Ally, how are things coming along?" He asked her. "Pretty good thanks" Ally replied with a smile.

"Good, it's great to hear and see you and Lexie working together so well" Simon stated, making Ally blush a little. "Anyway, see you tomorrow" Simon smiled. Ally smiled and nodded back as he walked past her.

Ally then continued into the toilets. She walked over to the sinks and mirror as she placed her bag down and rummaged inside. After a few moments, she closed her bag as the door to the toilets opened and then closed.

Lexie finished putting some stuff in a box on the table. She then took the box to the cupboard. Lexie then returned to her table and grabbed her jacket before leaving the classroom.

As she walked, Lexie glanced at the toilets as she approached. Lexie then changed her direction a little and went straight for the toilets.

Lexie entered the room and froze when she saw what was in front of her. "Ally!?" Lexie screamed as she ran over to Ally's body laying on the floor. Lexie kneeled next to her as she carefully pulled Ally into her arms.

Ally's eyes were closed as a little bit of blood is visible on her bottom lip. Ally groaned a little and slowly opened her eyes as she focused her vision on Lexie.

"Als, you alright? Can you hear me? What happened?" Lexie asked quickly. "Lex?" Ally said weakly as she clutched her stomach. "It's me, are you okay?" Lexie replied worriedly.

"I'm okay, my ribs hurt a little. So does my head" Ally revealed as she used her free hand and placed it on the side of her head.

"What happened?" Lexie repeated as Ally rubbed her head a little. Ally thought or a few moments as her face winced a little in pain. "I was by the sink and... I heard the door open and close. I turned around and I saw... Reb" Ally explained.

Lexie's face twisted into anger. "That fucking bitch!" Lexie exclaimed angrily but quickly calmed down when Ally groaned in pain a little. "Lex please leave it" Ally said softly.

"We need to get you some help, come on" Lexie replied. Lexie slowly started to stand up as she helped up Ally carefully. "Can you walk?" Lexie asked.

Ally nodded in response as she clutched her ribs with one hand and her other hand held onto Lexie for support. The pair then walked towards the door, opened it and they left the toilets as they entered the hallway.

They walked down the corridor, taking their time. As they reached the main area, Lexie noticed Rebecca on the other side against the wall.

Lexie's face twisted to anger as Ally pulled away from Lexie a little to rest for a moment. Rebecca saw the pair and smirked. This sent Lexie over the edge as she charged over to Rebecca.

"Lex?" Ally said softly as she was clutching her ribs. Her eyes widened a little when she saw where Lexie was going.

"How's the wife?" Rebecca smirked as Lexie approached her full of anger. "You fucking bitch" Lexie practically yelled back before swinging at Rebecca and hitting her in the face.

Rebecca hunched over a little as she covered her face with her hands. Lexie immediately jumped at her, punching and hitting her sides as Rebecca grappled her. Rebecca managed to push Lexie off for a second before smacking her in the face.

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