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"Please Lexie, just leave it" Ally pleaded as she walked with Lexie towards college. "It isn't done with! That selfless evil bitch is always picking on you for no reason and now she goes and rips up your photos! I've been letting it go for a while now but not this time Als" Lexie stated, stopping to look at Ally.

"Well... Could you at least try and not let it escalate into a fight? Please?" Ally asked softly. Lexie stared at her for a few moments. "Alright I'll try, but I swear if she pushes me then I will drop her" Lexie replied. Ally sighed before nodding her head.

Ally and Lexie then continued towards the college building. Once inside, Lexie led the way up the stairs to their floor. She then looked around for Rebecca. "She's not here" Lexie pointed out. "Maybe she's skipping college again today" Ally said softly.

"She better be" Lexie muttered angrily as she walked towards her classroom with Ally. All of a sudden Lexie saw Rebecca standing by herself on her phone. Lexie immediately stormed over to her with Ally following behind her.

"I want to ask you something" Lexie stated, standing in front of Rebecca. Rebecca looked at Lexie then Ally before looking back down at her phone. "Get lost" Rebecca muttered. "Ally printed off some photos a few days ago" Lexie pointed out, causing Rebecca to look at her and put her phone away.

"Yeah so?" Rebecca replied, folding her arms. "Well someone ripped them up. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?" Lexie asked, not taking her eyes off of her. Rebecca smirked at Lexie and shrugged her shoulder.

"Don't know, I seem to have a bad memory" Rebecca said with a smug look on her face. "How convenient, so Ally's photos just happened to tear themselves up then" Lexie stated angrily. "Lex, just forget about it" Ally pleaded softly. "Ally probably did it, I reckon she can be careless at times" Rebecca said.

"That's bullshit Reb! I know it was you! No one else is that much of an asshole to do it and you always cause trouble!" Lexie shouted. "Well unless you have actual proof" Rebecca sighed with a grin on her face as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Lexie please" Ally went on, placing her hand on Lexie's shoulder. "So you're denying it?" Lexie asked. "All I'm saying is... Why would I do a thing like that?" Rebecca stated with a big smile. Lexie raised her hand and went to swing at Rebecca but Ally grabbed her arm and began pulling her. "Lexie! Please leave it, please!" Ally exclaimed. Lexie pulled her arm from Ally abruptly. "This isn't over you bitch" Lexie snapped, walking away from her. "I'll be waiting" Rebecca called as she watched Ally follow Lexie.

"Ugh! That smug fuck! She's just asking to lose some teeth" Lexie angrily stated as she sat down next to Ally in Simon's classroom. "Lexie just leave it, I-I know she's horrible and mean but I just-" Ally began.

"Yeah, yeah I know. You've told me like a hundred times now. I'm just sick of her being so up herself and vicious! I don't know how the head let's her stay here, her mom must be sucking him off or something" Lexie interrupted, leaning against the table beside her.

"I don't think that's the case Lex... Just, forget about it. I can print those photos out again" Ally said softly, sitting back in her chair. "What's with you?" Lexie replied suddenly, looking at Ally. Ally looked at Lexie. "W-what do you mean?" Ally asked. "Something is up with you Als" Lexie told her. "Nothing Lex, what makes you think that?" Ally replied.

"Well, these past few days I can tell something is up with you. First you've been constantly stopping me from confronting Reb and now this new guy shows up and you act all weird. I can just tell that something is on your mind" Lexie pointed out.

"I-I'm fine Lex, really" Ally reassured nervously. Lexie stared at Ally unconvincingly. "Really? For sure?" Lexie asked softly. Ally just simply nodded. Before Lexie could say anymore, Simon entered the classroom. "Ah Lexie, you joining our class today?" Simon asked as he approached his desk. "No thanks" Lexie smiled, standing up.

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