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Ally was laying on the sofa and staring at her phone screen. As she stared, tears slowly formed. She then held her phone to her chest as Ally stared at the ceiling with teary eyes.

"Als have you seen my phone?" Lexie asked urgently as she entered the room. "It's on the side over there" Ally replied, sitting up and pointing to the side next to the TV. Lexie hurried over and grabbed her phone.

"Lex, can I talk to you?" Ally said softly. "Haven't got time, I've got so much shit to do for this trial tomorrow" Lexie answered, hurrying over to the front door.

"Please?" Ally begged, standing up and looking over at Lexie. "Later Als" Lexie replied quickly before leaving the house. Ally sighed softly and sat down. She looked at her phone and her eyes teared up again before closing them.

Lexie arrived at college and walked into her classroom. Everyone was moving around and working hard. Abbie was overlooking her students work one by one.

Rebecca was sitting in the corner as usual on her phone, not showing any interest. Lexie hurried over to the other side of the room to grab her work.

Her face dropped when she saw the clothes she was working on. "Oh fuck!" Lexie exclaimed in shock as she carefully picked up an item of her work. "What's wrong Lexie?" A student asked, walking over to her.

"My work is ruined! Look!" Lexie revealed. "What's the matter?" Abbie asked, walking over to Lexie. "This, what the hell happened to it?!" Lexie stated in an annoyed tone. "Oh my! I'm sorry Lexie, I don't know what happened to your work" Abbie apologized.

Lexie's eyes fell on Rebecca. "You did this didn't you, you bitch!" Lexie exclaimed angrily. "Hold on, let's not throw accusations around" Abbie told Lexie. "I didn't do shit so don't go blaming me all the time" Rebecca muttered.

"It's ruined and the trial run is tomorrow!" Lexie said in an upset tone. "We can fix it" the student standing next to Lexie said. "Yeah we can" Abbie reassured. "Yeah sure" Lexie said sarcastically, staring at her work in her hands.

"Let's take a look at the problem and what happened and then see how we could possibly rectify it" Abbie added as the student with them walked away to continue working. Lexie just stared at her work angrily.

"Well, the main issue is that the ink ran when you went and printed on the shirts yesterday. I hate to say this but I'm afraid you may have put too much ink on when you was printing" Abbie said.

"Yeah I guess I was hurrying a little" Lexie replied softly. Her eyes suddenly lit up. "I-I know what to do, I'm going to fix them up" Lexie added with determination.

"Are you sure you'll have time? You have quite a few to fix" Abbie pointed out. "Sure thing, I'll add my own flair you'll see" Lexie grinned as she looked at Abbie.

Lexie then grabbed the shirts and hurried over to her table. Abbie followed close behind. "Let me see if anyone else is available to help" Abbie suggested.

"I'm alright Abbie, I can do it myself" Lexie told her as she put the shirts down. "At least let me help you Lexie" Abbie replied softly.

"Look, I can do it myself okay? Just let me do it. I don't need any help" Lexie stated firmly, looking at Abbie before turning her attention to her work.

Abbie sighed and looked around at the others before looking back at Lexie. "Okay, fair enough" Abbie said and walked away.

Some time went by and Lexie was busy trying to fix her work. A few students offered to help but Lexie snapped back at them, refusing the help. Abbie was watching her closely. After a while, Abbie left the classroom.

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