Twelve- Remus

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Sirius' legs are wrapped around my waist as I carry him up to our room, my lips kissing down his neck as he runs his fingers through my hair.

I push him up against the wall again but he shoves me on to the bed. I smirk up at him as he kisses my jawline, then my neck, then my collarbone, then my chest, then my torso and then he licks along my pant line and I sigh in pleasure.

Half an hour later, James and Lily return. "Moony, Padfoot, we're home" states James as he closes the front door. Sirius and I decide to get up and get dressed. I feel a coldness seep through me as Sirius leaves my arms.

We walk down the stairs to see the newly engaged couple goggling at each other "Moony your shirt is on inside out and buttoned up all wrong" says James, I blush "you weren't like that befo- oh. and Padfoot? I- oh" stutters James as I readjust my shirt "nice hickeys Moony" remarks James

I flip him the bird as I resume buttoning up my shirt "worried I'm getting more action than you, Prongs?" I tease, James flips me the bird this time and I chuckle "calm down, Prongs, no need to get your knickers in a twist, Moony and I had sex so what? You two are getting married we can't do that let us have our fun" says Sirius, we all gawk are him which sends him into firs of laughter

"The looks on your faces are priceless, you all look like I fed you dung bombs" states Sirius as he continues to laugh "what's disturbing, Padfoot, is that you just uttered the sentence "Moony and I had sex, so what?"" Said James and we all nod in agreement "oh come on, what you didn't guess from Moony's shirt or the hickeys?" Asks Sirius grinning

"Fuck off, Padfoot" says James, he's grinning though so he's only joking "wouldn't want to give you the satisfaction, Prongs" replied Sirius. I smile at their banter and take pride in the fact that one is my best friend and the other is my boyfriend.

"So when are you guys making it official, like when's the wedding?" I ask, James gawks at me "when's the wedding? I only chuffing proposed half an hour ago hold your bloody horses Moony" replies James, genuine stress tainting his tone.

"Oh shit sorry did mean to awaken bridezilla already...Lily I thought that was your job" I state jokingly, Lily laughs and places a hand on James' shoulder "it's cute that he's stressed, it shows he cares" says Lily, James smiles at her. They do fit perfectly together

"Though I do have some heart warming news for you two dimwits" says James. Charming. "What's that, Prongs?" Asks Sirius "well, I'm meant to have a best man and I don't want to choose between the two of you so both of you are gonna be my best men...providing you'd want to of course. Oh and don't worry, Moony, we've made sure our wedding will be nowhere near the full moon so you won't be anywhere into the cycle during the wedding" says James

"Mate that's bloody brilliant!" Exclaims Sirius "yeah, that's great, Prongs, thank you" I state, we go in for a group hug and I catch a glimpse of Lily smiling in awe at us. "Right well, Lils and I are going upstairs so...see you later" says James. We all know what they're going to do upstairs. There's no point in masking it. "Don't be too loud" states Sirius. I'm going to die of embarrassment from that man if the wizarding world doesn't kill me first.

"Once again, Fuck off, Padfoot" says James "still don't want to give you the satisfaction, Prongs" replies Sirius.

"What do you wanna do then?" I ask as I slump down onto the sofa, Sirius joins me, cuddling up to me. "We could watch a movie and not really watch or...I dunno, babe, what do you wanna do?" Asks Sirius "I like watching a movie but not really watching" I reply, kissing his forehead tentatively as I turn on the TV and put on a random movie for background noise.

Sirius kisses me and I kiss him just as passionately back. "What is it?" I ask, sensing something's up "nothing just thinking" replies Sirius, kissing my neck "that's dangerous" I reply smirking which earns me an eye roll from Sirius "just about how Lily and James are getting married when not short of six years ago Lily thought the mere idea of being touched by James repulsed her. Now she's marrying him. It's mad" says Sirius

"I guess so, yeah" I reply, absorbing what Sirius said. "Just weird how fast time goes I mean soon they'll be married with a kid and they'll live long, living happy lives together with their children" says Sirius "we should have a kid" I state, Sirius is left kind of gobsmacked at that statement "not right now" I add hastily which calms Sirius slightly "but maybe in a couple years or so" I continue

"Maybe" says Sirius. I'm not sure he's too keen on kids but I love him regardless. "James has invited Nymphadora to the wedding" says Sirius after a prolonged moment of silence "who?" I ask, rather confused "my cousin, oh right I introduced her as Tonks, that's what she prefers to be called, she doesn't like her first name. Anyways, James invited her because he thought I'd be lonely without any family members because your parents are going to be there" replies Sirius

"What's wrong with that?" I ask confused "I mean it's just sad isn't it, James feeling like he needs to invite a member of my horrid family because everyone else's lovely families are going to be there" replies Sirius. I hear the disappointment and the hurt in his voice as he speaks and it breaks my heart to think that he doesn't feel loved

"Well you don't need family there to fit in. We're all your family. Besides, we all love you regardless, especially me, I love you the most so as far as I'm concerned your horrid family can suck one" I state, Sirius smiles "you always know what to say, Moony" says Sirius as he kisses me. I smile on his lips and kiss back.


Hello my lovelies!

I've just finished reading The Order Of The Phoenix and I sobbed when Sirius died bc he's my absolute favourite character and I knew his death was coming but I cried anyway so here's a chapter of Sirius alive and well and being the Remus loving man he is

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Happy pride month bbys 🌈🏳️‍🌈

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay smiling
Stay wonderful

Most importantly stay rainbow

All my love, Blue xxx

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