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Hello my lovelies!

What an emotional rollercoaster this fanfic has been. There has been major writers block on my part, a bit of a break for me for personal reasons but I hope all in all it was at least a half decent story bc Wolfstar is my favourite ship and Harry Potter is my favourite fantasy world to escape to so I hope you enjoyed escaping to this world as much as I do.

Now as some of you might've noticed, I've started a new Grey's fanfic bc as much as I adore Harry Potter, Grey's fanfiction is my favourite to write, I was lacking ideas before when i started Wolfstar and then Ivy's character just came to me.

I hope some of the grey's fans give it a read but it's not for everyone so i won't be offended if you don't

As many of you know, I like to base my writing on certain topics that i feel are sensitive but need to be spoken about. I've written on topics such as domestic abuse, shootings, violence and a bit of mental health and lets not forget my favorite, LGBTQIA+ which is the main theme of this book given that the book is set back before Harry Potter and that was set in the 80s and they were only just accepting the gays then so Remus and Sirius' relationship must've been hard

Being bisexual I am a member of the wonderful LGBTQIA+ society and with the amount of struggles it goes through i found it prudent in pride month to be writing a gay fanfiction

Whilst we are on the topic of sensitive topics, I know that the Black Lives Matter movement is at large. I am aware that as a writer with a substantial amount of readers I can make somewhat of a difference (i hope). I am accepting of every race, gender, sexuality and identity that crosses my oath, i say be who you want to be, it's not hurting me, it's your choice. I feel that everyone should live the same way, if we are more accepting we are bound to make the world a better place

Please, sign petitions, donate if you can, participate in peaceful protests if you can, stay safe, stand up for what you believe in and make your voice heard, words can do so much if you make an effort to make them heard. And whilst this message may only be read by 10 people or maybe more that's still 10+ people I could be having an impact on and I'd rather that than no impact at all

Together we are strong, apart we are weak. We have a choice in the world, we always have a choice, so please make the right choice and take the path of peace, love and righteousness, not the path of hatred, war and segregation.

As always I like to boost confidence and make people smile so Imma bring this to an end with a lil pep talk.

Y'all know by now that I think everyone of you is beautiful inside and out, you are strong, you are kind, you are important, you mean so much to so many, you mean a lot to me. You are loved. You are enough. You are worth so much. You are smart and talented and amazing. You are incredible.

I'm always here to talk for anyone that need's it. I would hate for anyone to struggle alone.

Sorry for such a long A/N but some things needed to be said.

Right well thank you for all your love and support I love you all

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
stay kind always

and most importantly, stay rainbow my loves

all my never ending love, Blue xxx

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