TwentyFive- Sirius

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i meet Remus back in the Shrieking Shack at midnight.

"so, how was your day, Professor?" i ask, smirking "the best now that i have you back" replies Remus, my arms wrap around his waist and his hands run through my hair as he smiles down at me

"and how is my godson?" i ask, the question has been eating away at me "he's a brilliant boy, exactly like James but he has Lily's eyes, he's a bright young boy i must say and has an odd group, his best friend Ron is about as mischievous as Harry although Hermione seems to be the Lily of the group, keeping things in shape and putting them in their place when they need it, not to mention she's probably the smartest witch of her generation. Harry asks a lot about you and I always tell him good things, I think he's rather conflicted on how to feel considering everyone keeps telling him you're here to kill him" replies Remus

"I'm glad that you've told him good things. I'm also proud that he's like his dad but that he has good friends too. I feel bad for missing out on so much of his life, growing up with those muggles must've been hell for him, I would've given him the love he deserves" i say, Remus nods and kisses me "i know" replies Remus, i kiss him.

i kiss down his neck and he runs his fingers through my hair "so what've you been up to these past 12 years, Professor?"
i ask as i kiss along his jawline "Sirius" says Remus "what? You don't like it when I call you professor?" I ask smirking, he stops me kissing his neck and our lips lock "no i do, i love's just so distracting" replies Remus, mirroring my smirk "well maybe i'm just distracting all together, professor" i say, continuing to kiss down his neck and remove his shirt.


a few weeks later, I'm dragging Ron into the shrieking shack by his leg, not because i want to hurt him but because he has Peter. "YOU'RE SIRIUS BLACK AARGHHHH!" screams Ron in fear, i try to calm him down "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME" screeches Ron and soon we're joined by Remus and Harry and Hermione

after I had explained everything to Harry we're taking Peter back to the castle for the dementors to take him away. Remus. It's a full moon.

I act on an impulse as he transforms, deciding it best if he attacks me rather than three children, I transform into a dog and fend him off.

Remus runs off and i stumble down to the lake where i collapse, Harry joining me "no, Harry, no" i mutter but it's inaudible. Dementors.

I grow weaker by the second and so does Harry. I need to save him. He's my godson.

Suddenly, a stag saves the day, I look around to see who it was but eventually i don't care "Harry! Harry! Are you ok?" i ask worriedly, Harry stirs and seems rather groggy "Let's get you back up to the castle, get you well rested" i say, he shakes his head "Pettigrew got away, you'll be locked back up in Azkaban again, I don't want that for you" says Harry in a weak protest, I smile sadly at him "If i do go back, i'll do so knowing you know i'm innocent, that's more than i can ask for" i reply

I take him up to the castle and I'm arrested there and then, made to wait in a room until they came back up for questioning. My time with Remus was short lived but hopefully he finds love in my absence, i can't have him wait any longer

It seems like hours gone as I wait, until i hear something at the window "Sirius! Sirius it's us, Harry and Hermione, We've got Buckbeak, come here" says Harry, i smirk, just like James.

I climb on the back of the Hippogriff and we set off to a more secluded area of the castle.

"Write to me, Harry, keep me updated. And Hermione, you really are the smartest witch of your generation, just as Remus had said, I'll hopefully see you some time soon. Goodbye for now, Harry" i say kindly, Harry hugs me and I hug him back, smiling as I do so "Goodbye, Sirius" says Harry.

Before I can waste much more time I take off on the Hippogriff.

Goodbye for now, Harry and Remus, my love. I'll be back soon, i know it.


When I know I'm somewhere safe I send a letter to Harry telling him that i'm ok and sending him a permission slip for Hogsmeade not to mention, telling him that Ron can keep the owl i sent the letter with because I kinda took his rat.

I'll be with him again soon, we'll communicate through letters, I might even be able to communicate through fireplaces.

I then remember Remus doesn't know so I pull out my quill and parchment and write another letter

My Dearest Remus,

Unfortunately, Peter got away, I am not imprisoned but I am in hiding, writing this in a letter isn't as good as saying it in person but I can't bare Azkaban again. I'll write as much as possible in hopes that you write back. I won't forget you and I will see you soon, I promise. Watch over Harry for me. I love you, I always will. This letter is short I know but I can't think of much, thank Harry for my lucky escape. I hope to see you soon, Professor.

P.S. Don't let Snivellous torment you, if he does i'll deal with it, that's worth getting caught.

I love you

All my love, Padfoot xoxo

I seal the letter and write Professor R J Lupin on the front before tying the letter to an owl and sending it off.

God I'm going to miss him.


Hello there my lovelies!

so this is proving to be longer than I thought but the more wolfstar the better i think

anyways, thank you for all your love and support, i love you all

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling

most importantly tho, stay rainbow

all my love, Blue xxx

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