Sixteen- Remus

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The wedding is over and I have a feeling I'm about to do something I'll regret.

My lips are locked with theirs, our tongues colliding, i wrap their legs around my waist as i carry them down the hall to my room.

"we shouldn't be doing this" i say as i kiss them again, trailing down their neck "then we won't. Say stop and we will but you know you don't want to" replies Sirius. How can I be doing this? "I do want to but I don't want to hurt you" i reply as he kisses my neck "break up sex is the best...or so I've heard" says Sirius, i smile on his lips

we're in my room, on the bed. we've come this far what's the point.

the next morning i wake up cuddling Sirius "morning" i say, he smirks and his eyes flutter open "morning" replies Sirius "told you it was the best" adds Sirius, i nod and smile "you were right" i admit. "I know I said pretend for Lily and James but i don't think this is what i meant" i say smirking

"hey, you started it i just finished" replies Sirius. He has got a point "where's Tonks?" asks Sirius, i shrug as i get dressed "she went home early i can't remember what she told me but there was definitely something about going on a date" I reply, for a moment I see his smile falter but he manages to fix it straight away.

I knew this would hurt him. "Look, we should be going we have to check out soon" i state, Sirius nods as he gets his jeans on "i'll see you later, moony" says Sirius "see you later, Padfoot" I reply trying to sound nonchalant.

what the fuck just happened? Sirius seemed unaffected by the whole ordeal, surely he must feel something, even i feel a pang of longing in my chest at the thought of no longer being able to randomly kiss him or catch him off guard. But this is what i wanted.

or is it?

Maybe i made the wrong decision but going back now would make me a needy fool and besides, i felt something with Tonks. With Nymphadora i felt alive, i felt free i felt myself again like i hadn't done for years.

I always felt trapped in my relationship with Sirius, not that it was his fault I loved him, i still do it's just all the criticism, the hassle, the discrimination of being in a homosexual relationship, i couldn't take it anymore.

i pack up my stuff with a flick of my wand and check out of the hotel.

Outside I see no other than Nymphadora Tonks herself waiting for me. "Tonks, what're you doing here?" i ask, smiling as i walk over to her, suitcase in hand. "I just thought we could spend the day together" replies Tonks shrugging. Tonks is a bit younger than me. When i sag a bit i mean she's a 7th year in hogwarts but she's 18 so what we have is perfectly legal and I'm 22, so a significant four year gap but anyway, i don't personally thunk it matters.

"sounds lovely" i reply, we apparate to my house where i put my suitcase in mine ans Sirius' room, i expect one of us will move into the guest room but we can sort that out later.

"where do you fancy going?" I ask, she shrugs "there's a nice tea shop in Hogsmeade called Madam something or other, we could go there" replies Tonks "or we could...stay here" adds Tonks seductively as she bites her bottom lip and slowly walks over to me.

I want to. But at the same time I don't think it wise. But if she makes the first move...

"how about we go to that teashop and go from there" i suggest, a small smile on my face, Nymphadora looks rather disheartened at the suggestion but nods regardless and we apparate to hogsmeade.

we're suddenly standing outside of a small building by the name of 'Madam Pudifoots' a teashop in which i remember from my Hogwarts days. I took Sirius on a date here on valentines day. I push the memory aside and walk in to the teashop with Nymphadora. Nymphadora is such a pretty name, I wonder why she doesn't like it.

"how come you make everyone call you Tonks" i ask out of the blue before i could stop myself, Nymphadora shrugs and sips her tea "Nymphadora is a stupid name" replies Tonks "I think it's pretty" i state, Tonks smiles slightly.

"so, tell me, Remus, what is it you do for a job?" asks Tonks, my mind goes blank, i can't really keep jobs "I-I'm a cleaner" i reply, i can see Tonks restraining a laugh "its kinda hard to find work as a werewolf" i add half heartedly

"oh sorry, i-i forgot" stutters Tonks, i huff "lucky you" i retort darkly. Silence falls between us for a while.

"what do you wanna do now?" i ask her as we leave the tea shop "i'm not too sure" replies Tonks "fancy just going back?" i ask "to yours?" asks Tonks, i nod and she obliges.

As we get back to mine, Sirius, James ans Lily's house we collapse onto the couch and decide to watch a movie.

Tonks, however, seems to not be watching the movie at all, i catch her staring at me in my peripheral, she's biting her lower lip as her eyes scan me "like what you see" i comment, smirking knowingly. Tonks blushes and turns away.

i lean down and kiss her which takes her momentarily by surprise before she melts into the kiss.

her hands find their way up my shirt as mine unclasp her bra. My lips work down her neck as her fingers run through my shabby hair.

then we bear the door open. "oh- sorry- i-i'll come back later" says Sirius. I inwardly groan.


Hello there my lovelies!

Let me know how you felt about this chapter. I should warn you that there'll be a lot of time skipping in this because I don't plan on this being relatively long and I might be back on writing Grey's fanfics soon

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

all my love, Blue xxx

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