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AG fell on the hardwood flooring hitting her head hard enough for her to lose conscious. "Oh shit." Avery muttered.

"OH. MY GOD!" Billie yelled. Due to the force of the fall and impact to her head. She started bleeding and started bleeding bad. And that triggered fans to start yelling in fear that their favorite player could be seriously injured.

A puddle of blood pooled on the court and still not a single response from AG. She was out and was going to be out for a very long time.

"Call it. Eastern wins, contact the paramedics." The ref said. In this moment, everyone was supposed to go crazy, AG and her team won, but this was no moment for that.

"What are they doing to her!?" Billie asked frantically. "Hey, it's okay. Just calm down, she's going to be fine." Mac said. "She's probably dead!" Mia yelled making Billie widen her eyes.

"SHE'S DEAD!?" Billie asked startled. "No! I don't know. We have to be calm." Mac reassured the two. Billie and Mia being the babies of the group started crying.

It made sense why they were crying, that was a girlfriend and a best friend out there. AG's teammates were also a mess. Some were crying, some were comforting others. Some were pacing around the court.

A thick towel was brought and placed under her head. At this point, people were being escorted out of the stadium and off of the court due to the graphic scene. AG then started convulsing. Her body jerked and shook harshly.

"What's happening?" Vanessa, who was keeled down by her daughter's side, asked. "Seizure." The ref answered. Vanessa dropped a few tears and was lifted up by someone.

It was Jason. "Stop!" Vanessa yelled at him. The court was empty except for Billie and the others. "She's going to be okay, Billie." Avery hugged her and shushed her.

"Why aren't the ambulance here yet?" Vanessa asked. "Traffic. The fastest way here is full with traffic and they're stuck. "My baby's going to die." Vanessa cried.

AG stopped her seizure and tilted to her side by the ref. Everyone's phones were going off and they all knew what it was already about. Vanessa grabbed her daughter cold limped hand.

"You're gonna be okay." Vanessa whispered to herself. At this point, Vanessa took AG's promise ring and slipped it back on AG's finger.

"Come on, let's go." Avery said. "No..., what if they say something I don't like." Billie shook her head. "We're gonna go to the hospital and meet them there." Izzy said. "How do you know where they're going?"

"They're gonna go to the nearest hospital, it's obvious. Let's just go." Izzy answered and the group rushed into the car and Billie stared at the window as Mia cuddled into her.

Back at the stadium, the wait time for the ambulance was still ticking.

The paramedics finally come in and push everyone away. They immediately check for a pulse. "It's weak, but it's there." One of them say.

The paramedics come with a stretcher and lift up AG putting her on the stretcher. "Family's only allowed in the ambulance."

Billie POV

"She's going to be okay." Mac attempts to comfort me and grabs my shaking hands. My foot was shaking and trembling out of fear of what I might of found out.

Mac hugged me as I cried into her shoulder. My phone was blowing up with messages obviously from my parents and brother. We've been here for 6 hours. It's one in the morning and AG was brought in but we still haven't gotten any news.

Vanessa was in the waiting room talking on the phone with what I assume is AG's grandparents and other family members. Although, AG was born in New Mexico, in the US. Her family is pure Mexican and most of them immigrated here to New Mexico including Vanessa.

She has a huge family and there is no doubt they are going to be filling up this hospital very soon. Izzy took Avery and Mia home. Mac decided to stay with me.

"Mac, you should go home. You have that exam tomorrow." I tell her. "No, I'm gonna stay here with you." She says.

"Please? I'll let you know if she's fine. I don't want you to miss something important. I'll be fine." I say. "Are you sure, Billie?"

"Yes, I'll call you all tomorrow." I say. Mac nods and hugs me one more time and leaves the hospital.

A doctor comes out and talks with Vanessa and Vanessa walks over to me. "She just got out of surgery, we can go see her." V tells me. I get up but V stops me. "Before you go in, I just really want to apologize for what AG did to you." Vanessa says.

I bite my lower lip to avoid me crying anymore. "I love you, our entire family loves and we're sorry."

I hug her and we walk into her room and I see her. She's so pale, but her freckles are strangely more evident. She has an oxygen mask on her face, her eyes are shut, and the beeping sounds of the monitor echoes in the room.

"You guys must be here for Ms. McDaniel." A voice startles us. The doctor comes in front of us and we nod. "What happened?" I ask.

"Uh, Annagrace had a drug overdose and her body shut down which explains her falling to the ground and having a seizure. When she hit head, she cracked her skull and had tremendous brain damage. We had to medically induce her into a coma in order for her to heal. The process of the induced coma will last for two weeks and then she will attend brain exercises after. She also dislocated her right knee. She was found with high levels of Xanax, Dopamine, Heroin, and Alcohol in her system."

"What? There's no way there was drugs in her system. She's healthy, she's an athlete, she wouldn't do that to herself." Vanessa says.

"I'm sorry ma'am but that is what we found. I would like to talk about her knee, I believe it's not the first time she's dislocated it, right."

"It's the 4th time. She'll be fine, she probably just won't be able to walk for a few weeks." Vanessa shrugged it off. "Ma'am, this time it's different."

"What do you mean?" I ask. "The more and more damage she put on the knee, the less usable the joint becomes and this time around we couldn't save it."

"Fuck you mean, you couldn't save it? You amputated her leg or something?" I ask quickly. "No, no. Nothing was amputated." The doctor says.

"So what are you trying to tell us?" Vanessa butted in.

"Annagrace may never play basketball again."


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