Chapter 3: New Students

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Angel's POV:

I walked down the halls and to my locker. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me. I ignored them and put my books in my locker. "I could've sworn she was getting suspended." I heard someone say. I walked away down the hall. I saw Kayla in the distance. She looked at me then glared. I shook my head and kept walking.

She walked up to me. "I thought you were getting suspended?" She said. "Oh right Kayla. You thought all you has to do was give the principal some head that he'll suspend me." I said. She opened her mouth to retaliate but she closed it when she saw my necklace. "Where'd you get that locket?" She asked. I looked down at it. "A woman have it to me." I said.

It wasn't exactly the truth but it wasn't a lie. I couldn't just tell her that a woman in my dream gave me this locket. Kayla stared at my locket. "Angel where did you get this?" She asked. Before I could answer, she snatched it off of me. "Hey!!" I cried. I quickly grabbed her arm and bent it. "Oww!!" She cried out. I snatched my locket back.

"Don't touch my locket bitch." I said. She held her arm while glaring at me. "You are going to pay for that." She said. She glared at me so hard, I could see the fury in her eyes. But I wasn't fazed. "Kayla I'm not scared of you bro. Everyone else might be but I'm not. I'm that bitch. Remember that and learn your place. Especially as the school's hoe." I said.

Everyone erupted in Ooh's as I walked away. I walked to my class and sat down. Then the classroom filled up with students. "Alright class. Rumps in chairs. Let's get started." The teacher said. I pulled out my earbuds and listened to my music while taking notes. About twenty minutes later, the door opened and principal walked in. He looked around til his eyes landed on me.

"Ms. Starlight, gather your things and please come with me." He said. I stood up and walked over to him. We walked out the classroom and down the hall. Then he pulled me off into the janitor's closet. He turned on the light and looked at me. "Angel you really know how to upset someone huh?" He said. "What?" I asked. He touched my hair.

He tucked a strand behind my ear. "Oh Kayla is pissed. She's upset because I didn't suspend you." He said. He moved his hand down to my shirt. He touched my bra strap. My heart raced. No.... He but his lip. "Fuck Angel. Give me a reason to not suspend you." He said. "Because it wasn't my fault. Kayla started with me." I said, worriedly.

I was sure he could hear how scared I was. "That's not good enough." He said, as he grabbed me roughly. His hand moved down to the v cut in my shirt. "Nice locket." He said, as he put his finger between my breasts. He grinned as he trailed his fingers down my breast mine. He touched my locket then he suddenly recoiled his hand. "Ouch!!" He said.

He looked at his hand then back at me. "What's wrong with your locket? Why is it so hot?" He asked. "It's not hot." I said. "Principal?" Someone called. He quickly made us leave the closet. We saw the assistant principal looking around for us. "Over here." The principal said, as he cleared his throat. The assistant principal looked at us.

"Oh there you are. The two girls are here." She said. The three of us walked to the front office. I touched my locket. It's not hot. We walked into the principal's office. I saw two red head girls. They both looked at me. "Here they are." The assistant principal said, as she left. I sat down across from the two girls. The principal sat behind his desk.

"Hello ladies. Angel I called you down here for some help." He said. To fix your perverted ass. "These are the new students....what's your names?" He asked. "I'm Grace." One said. "And I'm Ellie." The other said. "Grace and Ellie. Our new students will need some assistance in being shown around the school." He continued. I looked at the two girls.

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