Chapter 5: Mako Island

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Angel's POV:

"So Angel, I have a question." Grace said. "Shoot." I said. "What do you like to eat?" She asked. "Uh pizza. Chinese food. Corn. Spaghetti. McDonald's." I said. "Okay what are any of those foods?" Ellie asked. I stared at her then laughed. "Are guys aliens or something? How do you not know what any of those foods are?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Okay Angel. Another question." Grace said. "What is it?" I asked. "Why is there a black mark on your arm?" She asked, curiously. I looked down. "What mark? There's no marks on me." I said. "Angel there's one right there. And there. And another right here." Ellie said. "I have to go." I said, quickly. I stood up and walked away. They followed me.

"Angel wait wait. Look we're sorry." Grace said. "We're just tryna figure out what those marks are." Grace said. Then Ellie gasped. "Those are bruises." Ellie said. I didn't say anything. Then my phone rung. I answered it. "Hello?" I answered. "Angel where the fuck are you?!" Mama yelled. I pulled the phone away as she was too loud. "Answer me!!" She yelled.

I was sure Grace and Ellie could hear her. "I'm out with friends." I said. "What friends? You don't have any friends." She said, angrily. "Yes I do." I said, quietly. "No the fuck you don't. You shouldn't even be out anyways. You should back at the house, cleaning the house and washing dishes." She said. "I was gonna wash them later." I said. "Bullshit!" She yelled.

I felt a lump in my throat. "Know what? Just wait til your black ass get home. I'm gon beat yo ass!!" She yelled. Then she hung up. I didn't look at Grace or Ellie. "Angel is that how your Mom acts every day?" Grace asked. Then she gasped. "Does she beat you every day? Is that where those bruises came from?" She asked. I didn't say anything.

"Oh Angel." Ellie said. She and Grace hugged me. I broke down crying in their arms. "I don't even do anything yet she hates me so much." I said. "What happened to make her hate you so much?" Ellie asked. I sighed. "I used to have a little brother but he got hit by a car and died. She thinks I purposely let it happen because I didn't like him. I loved him and I and no control over what happened." I said.

I shook my head. "The car came out of nowhere and hit him. I was nowhere near him. It wasn't my fault yet she acts like it is. Ever since then, she's hated me and beats me." I said. I looked at them. They both looked at each other. "Angel we're gonna help you." Grace said. "There's no point in talking to her. My Dad used to take us to therapy and that didn't work." I said.

"Where's your Dad now?" Ellie asked. "My Mama had him locked up. She planted drugs on him and he got in trouble." I said. "Aww." Grace said. I sighed. "Let me just go home and face the music. Get it over with." I said. "No. Don't do that." Ellie said. "Look Angel? Why don't you stay with us for the night?" Grace asked. "What? No. I can't do that. I'll be in even more trouble." I said.

"No. Look, we were about to go to a place in the ocean. Come with us. We want to show you something special." Ellie said. "What place?" I asked, curiously. "It's a place called Mako Island." Grace said. I shook my head. "No way. I've heard so much bad things about that place. It's surrounded by sharks, reefs, mangroves, and whirlpools." I said. "The whirlpools begins in November." Ellie said.

"It's September right now." Grace said. "Angel come on. It'll be fun. And you'll be away from your mother. Look, it doesn't matter if she'll be mad at you if you come home late. We'll be there to protect you." Ellie said. "No. That only makes the situation worse. She doesn't like when people stand with me." I said. "Oh well." She said. "Yeah Angel. You shouldn't allow her to abuse you." Grace said.

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