Chapter 14: Broken

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Joel's POV:

Angel chased Kayla for a few miles but she swam away. We decided to let her go. Angel was more focused on getting my necklace back. I led all of us all the way back to the Bermuda Triangle. We got Angel's necklace back and were now headed back when suddenly a bunch of Babadors attacked us. "Oh shit." Angel said. "Yeah Babadors here like to attack in groups." Kyle said.

"What?! Aw man!!" She said. We fought the group of Babadors for a long while. Angel tried did clicking thing Queen Amber did but she just couldn't mimic it quite right. The Babadors put up quite a fight. We managed to kill them but more of them kept showing up. We were outnumbered. So we decided to swim away.

"Whew. Those Babadors are tough." Angel said. "No kidding. We told you Angel." Grace said. "They are not a force to be reckoned with. Especially here in the Bermuda Triangle. They're a lot stronger here." Kyle said. Angel nodded. "I see why. They are tough and really dangerous." She said. Just then, Grace gasped. "Oh my God! Angel, you've been bitten." She said.

We all looked at her arm. There it was, a huge Babadors bite. I looked up at Angel. "Ah no. No no no." I said. Aw no. Please. Not her. "No no no!!" Angel cried. She swam away. We swam after her. We all swam all the way back to Oceania. We swam inside and straight to the palace. I looked at around. "Where's Trish and Kayla?" I asked, curiously.

"They left. They said they'll be back." Kianna said. "So we're getting everything ready, waiting for them to come back." Dad said. I looked around and saw many guards setting up around the wall. I looked up and saw Queen Amber. She was talking to Angel. "What's wrong?" Dad asked. "Angel got bit by a Babador." Ellie said. "What?!" Everyone said.

"Yes. I got bit. I'm so scared." Angel said. She looked at my Dad. "How do we stop the venom?" Angel asked. "Angel, you don't." He said. "What?" She said. "Angel, I'm so sorry. The only way to avoid becoming one of them is for you to have pure blood. Meaning you have to be powerful enough to stop it. If you turned, you weren't powerful." I said.

"Well you all already saw how powerful I am." She said. Queen Amber walked over to Angel and held her arm. She began to whisper something. All of a sudden, we heard a loud crack. We looked up and saw the wall cracking. Then it broke. The wall has finally broken. I looked around and saw something I wish I didn't. Dozens and dozens of Babadors swimming towards us.

"Guards!! Prepare for battle!!" Dad ordered. I watched as guards began to fight off the Babadors. Then Trish appeared from behind a Babador. "I told you we'd be back!!" She yelled. She swam straight for her sister. But Queen Amber fought back. "I'm gonna finish what I started." Trish said. "Over my dead body." Amber said. "That'll be in a few minutes." Trish said. I looked around and saw Angel.

She was hiding behind a house, clutching her arm. I swam over to her. Then Angel was snatched up. She screamed as a Babador began to scratch her up. I swam over and smacked it with my tail. It looked at me and screeched loudly. "Angel go!!" I cried. She took off speed swimming far away. I looked around as everyone legit fought for their lives.

I fought off and killed four Babadors before I realized more and more kept coming back. All of Oceania was outnumbered. "Where the hell are all these Babadors coming from?!" Ellie yelled. Just then her question was answered. Suddenly, we heard a loud howl. We all paused and looked at each other. "What was that?" I asked, worriedly. "Dear God. That was the Queen" Dad said.

The howling got louder. "That sounds very close." Grace said. All of a sudden, Ellie was snatched. She screamed as she pulled away. Angel and Grace screamed for her. Then an enormous figure appeared from the deep dark waters below. "Jesus Christ." I said. "Everyone get back. That's the queen." Dad said. "The Queen?! There's a Queen?!" I asked. "Yes!!" Dad said. He looked at around. "This is the big one!!" He yelled.

"Jesus Christ!! King Charles, we're already outnumbered

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"Jesus Christ!! King Charles, we're already outnumbered. How the hell are we supposed to take down the fucking queen of Babadors?!" Kyle asked. The Queen then screeched. We all covered our ears. She was even louder then the normal Babadors. I looked down at my hands. They had blood on them. I touched my ears. They were both bleeding.

"We need more help. Queen Amber!!" Dad called. We turned around to see Queen Amber still fighting her sister. "I'm kinda busy!!" Amber said. "We need Angel!!" Grace said. Just then, a Babador tackles her. Grace fought back and made sure it didn't bite her. "Sumi!! Go get Angel!!" I yelled. He fought off a Babador then swam away. The queen yelled and created more Babadors, who swam after him.

"She can create them?!" Ellie cried. "She's the Queen for a reason!!" Dad said. We fought off thousands of Babadors but the queen kept creating more than we could handle. Then Sumi swam back. "Sumi, what's the news? Where's Angel?" Dad asked. "Angel swam away. She's not coming. She and Kayla got into it and now she's lost her confidence." He said.

"What?!" I said. "She's left Oceania and her human life all together. She's gone." He said. "Damn it!! Without Angel, we're powerless." Dad said. "There's gotta be something we can do." Kyle said. I looked at the girls. "Grace, Ellie, you two are the only ones Angel will talk to. You guys have to go find her and bring her back. We need her." I said. "We'll try." Grace said.

She and Ellie flicked their tails and took off speed swimming. I could heard the queen of Babadors howling as she swam after them but she stopped once she realized we could escape. She created more Babadors who chased after Grace and Ellie. Oh Angel. Please come back. We need you. Now more than ever...

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