Chapter 12: Bermuda Triangle

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Joel's POV:

As we swam, I looked over at Angel. She seemed to be distracted today. She wandered off so many times when we were at the wreckage of the Titanic. I didn't know if she has a lot on her mind but I needed her focused. When Oceania goes out for migration, we needed to be focused because anything can happen to any one of us.

Dad and the guards led the way to our next destination. It was my favorite destination, the Bermuda Triangle. I loved that place so much. It was located in the Southern Atlantic Ocean so we were on our way back towards home but we were going to pass it. Of course Oceania was about ten miles from where we would swim.

I looked over at Dad as he led the way. We swam for hours before we came to the Bermuda Triangle. We swam up to the surface of the ocean and looked around. "Yep. We're here." Dad said. "I'm so excited." Kyle said. "Me too!! The Bermuda Triangle is so awesome." Sumi said, grinning. I looked at Angel. She didn't look too happy. "Angel? You okay?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I've heard nothing but bad things about this place." She said. "What have you heard Angel?" Dad asked. "There's whirlpools around here. Ships and planes go missing. People go missing. Aliens have been spotted around here and they abduct people near this place." She said. "That's it?" I asked. She nodded.

"Okay first off, the whirlpools happens because land people don't know how to stay away. The merfolk here in the Bermuda pod don't like when land people come around. So they create storms and huge waves to keep them away." Kyle said. "Second, the aliens are cool. They fly by sometimes but they don't abduct people." I said.

"Yeah they bring them back and I guess not all land people know how to swim home." Dad said. "How can we swim for miles back to shore without getting exhausted? Not freezing to death? And fending off sharks?" Angel asked. "None of that is our problem Angel. Land people just need to learn how to mind their business." Dad said.

We dived down and saw the Bermuda merfolk pod. They greeted us. "Oceania, greet to see you again. Migration is the best time of year. How was the dolphins?" The king asked. "Very greet. They swam away and headed on to their temporary home." Dad said. Everyone chatted with one another. I looked over at Angel.

She was sitting down on a bench with Grace and Ellie. She didn't look too happy. I swam over to her. "Angel, what is wrong with you today? You're not yourself." I said. She shook her head. "She's homesick. Angel wants to go home. To the mainland." Grace said. "Angel why? Why do you wanna go home? Don't you like our world?" Kyle asked.

She sighed. "I do but I also love knowing that I'm safe in my room." She said. "You have a house in Oceania." I said. "I know but I just feel like I don't belong down here anymore." She said. I was so mad. I didn't want to be near Angel so I swam away. I sat down on another bench and closed my eyes. I counted to fifty then opened my eyes.

"Son, you look upset." Dad said. I nodded. "I am." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's Angel." I said. He groaned. "What's wrong with her now?" He asked. "She's homesick. She wants to go back home. She feels as though she doesn't belong." I said. He sighed. "Oh my God." He said. "What?" I asked, curiously. "Why is she so upset at everything?" He asked. I shrugged.

He sighed. "It's hard to trying to keep her happy. She's powerful enough to crack open the wall. I'm tryna keep her happy. What else does she want?" He said. I shrugged. "That's Angel. So freakin confusing." I said. "We're supposed to be soulmates yet we haven't spent any real time together. She's always wanting to be with Grace and Ellie. It's like she doesn't even want me." I said.

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