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(n.) to put something of yourself into work

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"Come on, I'll drop you off." Dante offered as she nodded in agreement.

They moved through the whites and golds of the mansion before heading to the similar vehicle they had came in. Ravenna got into the back seat like before while looking out of the window to the curtained windows of the office.

She let her mind run the thoughts of Rafael Rossi. He was different than all the patients she had treated. He was in disbelief at the fact that he even had emotions. Whatever the memories were that were holding his heart captive, she was going to break the handcuffs holding it.

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"Ravenna." Dante whispered softly as she opened her eyes to see the vehicle parked in front of her office.

"Thank you for the ride." She thanked with her gentle smile.

"Umm Ravenna I have a question." He asked nervously to know the answer.

"Dante I will begin visiting him starting tomorrow." Ravenna ensured even before he had asked the question that was swarming in his mind. He smiled relieved before nodding.

She got out of the car before waving him goodbye. As she made her way to the office, she felt herself grow nervous at the thought of meeting the cyan eyed italian.

"Hey you're back." The receptionist greeted her as Ravenna walked in through the glass entrance.

"Yep, but I'm heading out after I grab my belongings." She informed smiling as the receptionist nodded in understanding.

"Thanks for the coffee this morning." The blonde head thanked with gratitude.

"My pleasure." The therapist responded before disappearing in her sunlit office.

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Ravenna opened the door to her tiny apartment that always gave her the feeling of home. Draping her coat on the coat hanger she walked inside the apartment. She gently placed the new batch of white peonies she got from the flower shop along with her belongings onto her marble kitchen counter for tomorrow.

Quickly running a shower, she cleansed her somewhat worn out figure. Quickly whipping up dinner, she made her way to the open sky painted through her glass window.

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