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(n.) delusions of happiness

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His crude language was doing little to no good to her burning core. She never knew someone would have such control over her body just through mere physical touch. His aura demanded control which he with no doubt he had gained over her body.

The truth was she didn't want to stop him. Not because she wanted to be sexually fed, but one thing she learned through psychology is that if you want to test a person the best way to do it through their actions toward you.

Ravenna didn't want to control him because she wanted to see what he would do if she was to remain vulnerable to his weapons. She wanted to see if his actions will give her as much respect as she wanted. She wanted to see if he trusted her enough to give her respect and if she could trust herself to him.

His inked hands stayed planted on her hips as if they were meant to be there in the first place. His eyes remained planted on the plump form of her vanilla balmed lips while her eyes remained in the depths of his cyan blue.

He bend down to meet her azure blue that had creeped into the depths of his dark blue where he hid his darkest secrets. Ravenna remained still as there lips remained a few millimeters apart from each other. She could feel him on her lips before he had even touched them. Rafael smirked as he saw her eyes full of innocence and pure love. The kind of love he had never encountered until her.

Rafael knew that she was the type of girl that didn't even need to seduce because she was just as beautiful as a rose and just as shielded as it's thorns. Love is something so rare. It's like a rose whose perfume is just as intoxicating as the finest liquor. The rose that was picked by few of the rare fingers that were oblivious to its sharp thorns. The fingers that would rather bleed red than not have a rose in their life.

Before Ravenna could further drown herself in the depths of his mesmerizing blue, his lips were planted on hers. As the shock came in the form of a gasp, Rafael instantly used the opportunity to collide his tongue with hers that was still so naive.

Her hands went to tangle themselves in his jet black hair while his hands stayed firmly planted on the clip of her waist. His tongue stroked each part of her cavern while one of her hands mysteriously went to his back where her fingers did the quick work of raking themselves on his clothed skin.

She was like some kind of addiction to Rafael. A drug he would gladly overdose on and wouldn't mind becoming dependent on. As magic tumbled its way out of her lips it was as if she was speaking the universal language of romance. Even the moon and the glittering stars sighed in agreement.

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