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(n.) the colors or "stars" you see when you rub your eyes

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She could hear nothing, but the tiny whispers of the wind hitting the windows of her bedroom. Ravenna waited for the apartment door to click open and then close behind him, but it seemed as if the time had stopped. It was so easy for him to say that he didn't regret killing someone when Ravenna had been saving people all her life.

She could never see him as the killer though. Not because she agreed with his way of forgiveness and punishment, but because she simply couldn't get herself to commit that he was so much different than the world she had been living in.

Ravenna had always been the girl that had saw flowers that were stepped on grow back, but Rafael was the climax in her life. He showed her that once something is killed it could only meet its grave.

Finally, after a long dreading silence there was the sound of his footsteps. Ravenna would have expected the footsteps to lead to the exit of the apartment, but instead they came in the direction of her bedroom.

She instantly closed her eyes, not wanting to melt into those cyan blue eyes of his. The door of her bedroom creaked open followed with the footsteps belonging to him. Ravenna kept her eyes propped closed as the other side of her bed got occupied.

He took a deep breathe as he tucked a strand of her wavy mocha hair behind her ear. Leaning over he gently pecked the top of her head. His lips instantly left goosebumps on Ravenna's surface. He just had that kind of effect on her. The effect the golden hour had on the plains of the blue sky.

Pulling away, the other side of the bed once again returned to its normal cold state. The door of her bedroom closed behind him with each tick of the clock, his footsteps became denser. Ravenna could feel the urge to call him back just so he could have a pill-less sleep in her arms, but before she could make her mind up the door of her apartment closed indicating his departure.

Ravenna opened her eyes to see the crease in the bed where he just had sat. Taking a shaky breathe, she got up from the sheets to sit up on her bed. He was so mysterious and unknown. Just like the depths of the ocean, he always stayed hidden from her.

Picking up the picture frame from her bedside, Ravenna stroked the picture of the beautiful women. Her eyes that Ravenna had inherited.

"I miss you mom." Ravenna breathed out into the mist of the silenced air.

"I don't know what to do anymore. He makes me feel things I hadn't yet to feel, but he also makes it so hard to care for him. He makes it so hard to lov-." Ravenna instantly paused at the word that was to escape her mouth. She wasn't afraid of being killed, but falling in love with someone who may not love her back.

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