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(n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one's life

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Ravenna felt the pain for him because in a way she had suffered all her life as well. She was too distracted fixing others that she forgot that she was broken herself.

"Rafael, she told me that you used me. I might be stupid for wanting to hear it from you, but the truth is that even if it was a brief second I trusted what came out of her mouth. But, I promise if you tell me otherwise I would trust you without questioning your honesty." Rafael loosened his grip from her waist and pulled away.

"She has been watching you, hasn't she?" He asked looking into her azure blue eyes.

"That doesn't matter right now Rafael. What does matter right now is the reason she was following me. Rebecca told me that you wanted to take what she dreamed the most of, having you. For her it must be a game, but you tell me were all the feelings fake or real?" He didn't say anything and stood there frozen for what felt like years.

"Rafael answer me." He finally looked at Ravenna with eyes full of fear. Ravenna was confused when she saw that emotion swim in his cyan blue eyes and then she realized that it was the fear of losing someone. That someone who happened to be Ravenna. Ravenna was desperately waiting for him to tell her that it was all a huge conspiracy against him. She wanted him to tell her it was all a facade. But, above all that she wanted him to tell her that she wasn't just his therapist.

"She was telling the truth, wasn't she?" Ravenna asked as she instinctively wrapped her hands around herself.

"Ravenna you have to listen to me. Rebecca didn't tell you the whole truth." Rafael stepped forward to wrap his arms around her only for her to step back to the nearest wall once again.

"So, you're telling me that you didn't use me. Did you use me or not Rafael?" She was yelling at him at this point, but she didn't care at all of everyone were to hear. She was done with everyone playing with her as if she was a puppet with stings that anyone could come and pull along.

"Ravenna I love you." Rafael whispered so gently as if she was going to melt away into thin air.

"The first day I met you, I'm not going to lie those were my motives. I thought that I would push you away just like all the others because I honestly knew my hatred towards Rebecca would end up with someone hurt along the way. I was going to push you away just like the others, but you never let me. I knew that even if I tried I was never going to be able to use my hatred towards Rebecca to ruin my love towards you. Because at the end I choose you over my past."

"I love you." Ravenna didn't know she was sobbing until the tears dropped down her cheekbones. She slowly knelt down onto the floor as if she had lost her balance all the sudden.

"Rafael you can't protect me if you don't learn to leave Rebecca behind. You need to forget her because your mom and best friend would've wanted you to do just that. She needs help and sometimes your biggest enemy is none other than yourself." She slowly scooted towards Rafael who was now kneeling right in front of her as well, but with a safe distance. Closing the distance, Ravenna placed both of her hands on his cheeks and tilted his eyes to meet hers.

"Stop running away from yourself Rafael. Let me hold your hand and we could deal with Rebecca together." It was the first time she saw Rafael at the verge of tears on the same day. He was never the type to cry or even be vulnerable. He had to run a mafia, so crying was never an option. Neither was showing weakness even if the weakness was titled love.

"I won't run away anymore Ravenna because I'm not scared to love you or be loved by you. I have you to comfort me at my worst and support me at my highest. I want it all, but with you." She smiled at his words before leaning down to his lips. Ever so slowly, their lips came in contact once more and that was when all the doubts flew out of the window.

Any 'buts' and 'what ifs' dissolved into their kiss. He begged for access into her which she without a doubt gave pleasingly. His hands crept to her back where he pulled her even closer to. Ravenna brought her hands up to the back of his neck where she was happy to have him unbearably near. When they pulled back for air that was very much lacking in both of their lungs at the moment, all Ravenna could do was smile and bring her hand up to cup his face again.

"I love you Rafael Rossi." He smiled at her before pecking her lips once again.

"I love you Ravenna Romano." Rafael replied back as if it was fine whisky tipping from his lips.

"God I want to wake up to you saying those words every morning. I want to wake up to you in my arms every day and I want to make you whisper my name every night." Ravenna could feel her cheeks glow red as she remembered Rafael still didn't know about her pregnancy. She had a slight doubt on what if he want ready to be a father. I mean he had just opened up to her. Would he be ready to move to a step so big like this?

"I have something to tell you Rafael." He looked at her confused, but also sensed the nervousness in her voice. He tucked a strand of her wavy hair behind her ear before pulling her closer.

"I'm all ears." He replied with a subtle smile that anyone would melt away for.

"Well, how are your thoughts about kids." She asked as a precautionary step beside dropping the bomb.

"If I'm having them with you then I know I don't have anymore doubts. I wouldn't mind a little one that would have your beautiful eyes and smile. I wouldn't mind a tiny version of you at all." Ravenna let out a breathe she didn't even know she was holding onto. Nodding, she brought his hand up to her flat stomach and looked at him.

"What if this is a tiny version of you though?"

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Welcome back babes! One more chapter left of HIS THERAPIST! I'm about to cry like literally! Don't worry the next chapter will be long long because it will be a mouth full! I'm also going to do an epilogue chapter, HOPEFULLY! There is already a sequel planned out for this story and if you follow me on my author Instagram you're all up to date! My personal Instagram user has changed for those who need to know and that is all I have to say today lovely people! See you guys in a few days!

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➊. Instagram | erotica_iris_grace

➋. Email | eroticairisgrace@gmail.com

❸. Aesthetician Instagram | iris_grace_

❹. Personal Instagram | jas_mine_k._


J. Iris Grace

HIS THERAPIST | 18+Where stories live. Discover now