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(n.) lit. "sanctuary"; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest times

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Ravenna stood there speechless at his words that were so easy to express, but held no importance in the therapy session he had signed up for.

"Mr.Rossi, that is highly inappropriate and way off the route of recovery we are aiming for." Ravenna answered with hopes that the this will pull him off his sexual motives.

"Ms.Romano tell me one thing?" Rafael asked as Ravenna seemed to feel intimidated as she was the one be doing the questioning in this therapy.

"Depends on what the question is Mr.Rossi." The therapist retorted back as the Italian smirked.

"Tell me do you really come here to give me therapy or just because I seem to be the appropriate flavor for the month?" She knew exactly what he was referring to. She knew the he was indirectly asking her about her sexual life, but Ravenna also knew that it was nor his business neither appropriate of him to ask her this question.

"Mr.Rossi, if you're concerned about me not doing my job in the most professional way I could possibly deliver, I suggest you to provide yourself a new therapist." Ravenna answered even though she knew he would be the first that she wasn't managed to heal. She had always managed to ease through people's skin, but he was so different. Even after their couple therapies, he seems to not budge with the walls he had planted in front of his heart. It was as if it wasn't the wound that was deep, but the owner just never stopped it from bleeding and getting infested with hate.

"Ms.Romano, that was not my question?" He added back as Ravenna knew that answering that question was off the table. He intrigued her the way no one has ever did. His eyes seem to touch more than his hands would ever. Rafael Rossi was one big puzzle that had so many missing pieces.

"I'm sorry, I can't answer that question besides it is not professional of me either." The therapist tried to explain the kindest way possible, but it didn't seem to faze him in any way. His signature smirk still danced on the lips that were on hers not long ago. She knew that was a big mistake. Not only did she let him kiss her, but she also let him creep somewhere inside of her. He was unhealthy for her, but in a way that she didn't seem to come to mind.

"Ms.Romano revise on that thought of yours now." Rafael ordered as the therapist pulled out of her thoughts.

"What is there to revise?" She asked truly confused.

"You didn't want to answer my question because you felt uncomfortable than what makes you think that I would ever open up to you about things that make me have nightmares at night? What makes you think that I would let you extinguish the fire burning inside of me for revenge?" He explained as Ravenna knew he was anything, but wrong. She knew she was asking a lot of him, but it was because she wanted him to be able to accept more.

"It's because when we refuse to let go it becomes mental slavery. I never told you to forget, but I'm simply asking you to cherish except hurting." She explained innocently as Rafael rolled his eyes in disagreement.

"You can't cherish something you want to break Ms.Romano. Painful memories are different from memorable ones. Everything in life isn't rainbows and lollipops. The flowers you gift me have so much value to those who are put six feet under the ground because they want their grave to be remembered, when to you they are simply an decorative arrangement."

"Isn't that funny Mr.Rossi? We gift the dead with flowers to show them that they are remembered when in reality when they were alive we may have left them to die alone in their death bed. We have love them when they no longer needed it." She muttered in all honesty. Her honesty was those that left all speechless because it was so true yet so innocent.

"We all let go different. Maybe you don't want to let go by cherishing, but that fire inside you would cool down to ashes if you don't feed it with a new motive." Ravenna spilled through her plump lips as Rafael looked at her with a stern expression. This was it. She knew that he wouldn't say anything else to her for the rest of the 10 minutes of the therapy left. He tended to ignore the truth when it came knocking at his door.

"From now on, I would not come here to give you therapy Mr.Rossi because it seems as if you never wanted me here in the first place. You know where to find me when you're ready to let me properly treat you." The therapist informed as he had kept contact with her azure eyes the whole time. He knew he needed her because for some reason her innocence was rare. It was one he had grown thirsty for. It was one that he wanted to destroy.

He remained quite as she stood there, waiting. Waiting for him to say anything. But, he refused to mutter a word that would let her know that he needed her to hold him towards the end of the tunnel. He refused to let her know that he had grown fond of her honey like tactics. He refused to let her know that the flowers she gifts him so innocently, makes him feel special. It makes him feel like just 'Rafael' not the Italian mob boss everybody was afraid of.

"Goodbye Mr.Rossi." Ravenna whispered gently before exiting the four walls of the complex office.

As the door closed behind her, she let go of the breathe that had hitched to the back of her throat ever since he had didn't dare to pull his cyan orbs off of hers. This was the biggest risk that she had taken. She was letting him decide whether he needed her or not. She knew there was a huge chance he would hate her after her last words, but it was something she had to do.

The ball was in his court indeed, but she knew that she was the only one that could be able to end the game. Rafael Rossi was someone who wasn't fed love on a silver spoon.
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Welcome back babes! I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it was a pretty complicated one to write.  But, who doesn't like a challenge, right? Please feel free to let me know your thoughts and I also wanted to know if you guys want a chapter from Rafael's and Ravenna's point of view. Also remember you could reach me out on the social media platforms listed down below! I would love to listen to you as a friend. The last sentence was dedicated from a former poet called Lauren.

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➊. Instagram | erotica_iris_grace

➋. Email | eroticairisgrace@gmail.com


J. Iris Grace

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