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(n.) fear of being in or falling in love

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Finally coming out of the effect of his words, Ravenna nodded and moved to the side for him to enter. Rafael quietly entered the apartment complex, not intruding with even another word.

Ravenna instantly noticed the difference in him. Something had to have happened today. His usual smirk was no where to be found and his usual amusing remarks were not to be heard.

"I'll get you something to drink while you settle in." Ravenna muttered in hopes of getting an approval, but Rafael simply hummed before heading in the direction of the living room.

Ravenna quickly grabbed his choice of tea and poured some warm water from the kettle. Infusing the tea, she made her way back to where he was seated.

"Here." She pointed the tea cup to him. Ravenna's eyes widened in disbelief as she saw his knuckles bruised and covered in blood.

"Rafael you're bleeding." Ravenna informed him concerned as she immediately placed the tea cup on the side table and bend down to analyze his knuckles.

"I know." He merely answered.

"Let me go grab the first aid kit." She offered as she got up to grab the medical equipment.

"Ravenna it's fine." Rafael retorted making Ravenna shake her head in disagreement.

"You're hurt Rafael." She explained.

"I've been that way for a long time now." He whispered as she was about to exit the living room. Ravenna sighed before heading out to her bedroom to grab the first aid kit.

Grabbing the first aid kit, she quickly headed back to the living room to assist him. She bend down in front of him while picking out the sanitizing wipes. Ravenna carefully wiped off the dried and still oozing blood while blowing on it softly.

She looked up to see him expressionless as if the physical pain was nothing. Upon seeing his knife and bullet scars, Ravenna knew this injury was merely a habit to him.

"How did you get hurt?" Ravenna asked as she wrapped up the now cleaned knuckles.

"I killed someone." Ravenna immediately stopped upon hearing his words. Looking up into his cyan blue eyes, she saw no regret or remorse. She didn't dare to question him any further knowing that even she wouldn't want to know the details about the brutal kill.

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