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4 months later...

Sunlight beamed through the sheer curtains. When Ravenna first moved into Rafael's bedroom she literally pointed out how he had to let some sun light in the room. Not having much of a choice he let Ravenna add her own touched throughout the whole room. From the sheer curtains that now let the sunlight in, to the three types of flowers curtained around the room.

She fluttered open her eyes gently, letting her eyes adjust to the bright natural lighting. Rafael's arm was tightly wrapped around her and her bump while her lips remained on the back of her head. Ravenna decided to stay in bed for a little more before heading to the bathroom.

She instantly felt the hard kicks against her belly as the twins decided to make their presence known as well. Two hard kicks and then a lot of fluttering. Ravenna smiled at the tiny movements the baby girls were doing.

"They're active today aren't they?" Ravenna flinched as she heard Rafael's husky voice whisper envelope her.

"They are." She whispered back as the movement continued to increase. Rafael gently rubbed her swollen belly that had grown immensely over the few months.

"Maybe they are hungry." He whispered into Ravenna's ear, setting goosebumps on the surface of her skin.

"Hmm maybe they are." Ravenna reasoned.

"Well I'm hungry as well." He added as his hands traveled south towards her most sensitive place.

"Knock it off, I need to go eat for three humans." The twins instantly kicked her belly in agreement making Ravenna laugh.

"Great, they are cock blocking already." Rafael sarcastically added.

"They will be mommy's little girls." Ravenna whispered to Rafael as her hand went on top of his on her belly.

"I won't be so sure about that baby. After all they are their daddy's princesses." Just at his statement they kicked once again, this time making Rafael laugh.

"That's it baby girls, tell mommy whose your favorite." Kissing the back of Ravenna's head, Rafael started to peel off their blanket.

"Are you going out today?" Ravenna asked, hoping his answer would be no. The past few days Rafael had been going out with different excuses to tell Ravenna. He didn't want her to know that he almost had his hands on Rebecca who was soon not going to be part of those who were freely breathing their share of air.

"I'm sorry baby." Ravenna smiled sadly before shaking her head 'no'.

"It's fine, I'll just hang out in the garden then." Ravenna said as she peeled off her side of the blanket as well. Rafael knew she was disappointed in him for the lack of time he had been giving her, but it was all for a bigger motive. The biggest motive was her and their girls' safety.

"I love you Ravenna." She smiled at him as she got off the bed.

"I love you too Rafael."

♢ ♢ ♢


He could smell the irony fragment of blood coming from the basement. Her heavy breathing filled the dark room where she rested tied up in a chair, ready to be played by her now murderer. Rafael smirked as she saw her tied up in a chair literally begging for her death to arrive and gift her some mercy.

"You know Rebecca, you don't look so great right now." Her blood shot eyes instantly examined Rafael's silhouette.

"Rafael long time no see." She muttered as she replaced her pain stricken face with her smile that showcased just how dark of a person she was herself.

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