empty desk.

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"Y/n!" You heard your brother yell from downstairs. I rolled over in my sheets before groaning as I didn't wanna wake up yet. 'Gross.' I thought. As you slowly started to refresh your own memory, you realized today was something more important than some early morning..

'Monday... Monday...' You thought.

'I have to be forgetting something.. what's so special about this Monday..'

'Huh... what was it? OH, hah righttt. I gotta be at school soon. First day at Karasuno.' You finally remembered.

Nervous thoughts started to fill your mind. The school year had already started and everyone must have already made their own friends.. it only makes it harder on you.

"School starts at 9.. it's 6.. the hell?" You said to yourself as you looked at the clock in which read three hours earlier than what was supposed to be there.

You were torn out of your own thoughts by your brother. He pulled the blankets up and off of you, only making your annoyed nature even worse.

Before he could speak You got out of bed and stood right in front of him. "Why would you wake me up! It's 6 AM!" You said as you pointed at the clock.

He gave you a 'my bad' kind of smile before scratching the back of his head. "I have volleyball practice this morning.. wanna come with?"

'Did he really just ask me to come to a volleyball practice.... At 6am....3 hours before school.'

"Oh yeah totally let me get ready real fast." You turned around.

"Really?" He questioned in surprise with open eyes.

"No." You pushed him out of your room and slammed the door on him.

You heard the large sigh he let out before hearing his footsteps slowly go down the stairs.

Shortly after that you heard him leave.

You laid in bed for another ten minutes, no sleep gained. Another ten minutes passed and still not a lick of sleep.
'Man this is ass.'

You eventually decided that it was no use trying to go back to sleep. You got up out of bed and slowly walked to the door in annoyance.

You walked into the bathroom and started to take a hot shower. You felt the hot water rush down your body and made the decision to stay in the shower for ever. 'Hah, if only..'

After your relaxing shower, you wrapped yourself in a white towel and walked down the hallway, towards your bedroom door. You walked in before grabbing your new school uniform and putting it on for the first time. It was quite different but it displayed your assets pretty nicely.

You looked at the electric clock and noticed there was still an hour to go before you had to leave. 'Maybe it wasn't a bad thing Kōshi woke me up early.'

When you walked downstairs you could hear your stomach cry with a slight grumble."I'll just get some cereal." You mumbled you yourself.

You couldn't help but be pulled into bad thoughts again. Your stomach started to lurch as your cereal became less appetizing.

Not even friends.                                         (Tsukishima x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now