Favors (pt. 2)

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Takamori fixed their suit tie and started to walk on stage.

"Hello." They said as their first word for a mic check. Everyone got quiet and brought their attention to the Purple-haired person. Takamori walked to the very end of the runway and bowed.

"Hello, my name is Takamori. I am the lead designer of the design and fashion club. We recently assembled after finding out our talents worked well together. At Karasuno, you only need to acquire four people to form a club and we have just that. However, we wish to pull more members who have extraordinary talents into our club. We thought the best way to pull your attention was through a fashion show. Tonight we have A male and female model who will walk down this runway in four different outfits that my friends and I made by hand. I hope you enjoy the show, and our models have worked very hard for this moment as have the other members worked just as hard to help pull this off. I thank you for your time and hope you consider joining our club!!" Takamori finished with a bow. Everyone started to clap their hands as they bowed 90 degrees.

"So they just formed this club and this is their way of getting new members?" Daichi questioned.

"Yeah looks like it." Suga answered.

"Noya, you know what this means?" Tanaka smiled.

"HOT MODEL CHICK!!!" They both yelled together.

"I wonder if it's a woman or a girl from here?" Hinata raised a brow.

"He's onto something! What if it's a school girl third year or something!" Noya got on the edge of his seat.

"It's probably a professional or a member of the club." Yamaguchi shrugged.

Takamori walked off stage before the next person came on and skipped to the end of the runway.

"Hiya!" Kaito waved.

"My name is Kaito! I do the sewing and math! If you draw a picture of what you want, I'll make sure you get exactly that! I'm really good with math and measurements so that's my job! We have all worked so hard in order to provide this show for you all! As Takamori-San said, we just want new members! It doesn't matter if you think you're not good at this kind of thing because we always have a place for you! If you have an eye for fashion, if your good at math, if you're good at makeup or doing hair, if you know how to sew, if you're good at drawing and even if you want to learn any of those things, please join us! Also, please make sure to show the models some love as they are not getting paid to do this and they are not professionals. I thank you for your time and hope to see you again!!" Kaito bowed low as she finished. Everyone clapped in response.

"Not professionals? They must be students!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka jumped.

"Why hasn't y/n at least responded to my text?" Tsukishima checked his phone.

"Aki, why are you always playing that stupid game?" Eisaku asked his brother.

"You're stupid." Hideaki grumbled as he was concentrating.

The next person walked on stage.

"Hi. I'm Yukiyoshi. Please join the stupid club so that I can leave, Thanks." Yukiyoshi turned around and slowly left.

"That's the boy y/n left with yesterday!" Eisaku pointed.

"Y/n isn't involved with this, right?" Suga asked.

"She can't attend two clubs." Daichi spoke.

"Not unless she has enough time. Maybe that's why our practice schedule changed." Noya started to think.

"Maybe that's why she's been so strange lately!" Yamaguchi chimed in.

"Interesting." Asahi looked up.

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