Rivals. Pt.1

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You sat down on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn. Your brother was sitting on the couch, waiting for you. He looked up and saw the bowl in your hands. "Oh, you got the nice popcorn!" Koshi said enthusiastically. You breathed a light laugh. "Only the best for movie night." You replied. You handed him the bowl as you took your seat. "What are we watching again?" You asked him. "Oh, it's an American comedy. Its called 'The Heat.' Someone told me to watch it." He said as he pressed a button on the remote that laid in his hand. You nodded your head and dug your hand into the buttery bowl.

Suga was wearing a grey shirt with black joggers while you were wearing a old large shirt with spandex.

Every now and again you and Koshi have a movie night together. Since tomorrow is the first day of matches with Johzenji, you and your brother started to anticipate the days to come.

During the movie, your phone gave a faint buzz


Text from: Terushima:)
Cant wait to see you tmr

Text sent: Terushima:)
Me either! I'm excited to see the team again as well.

Text from: Terushima:)
We have some new members this year, I'll have to introduce you.

Text sent: Terushima:)
For sure.

Text from: Terushima:)
Can we make a huge scene when we first see each other?

Text sent: Terushima:)
Dont we always? I'll do something extra, I think the boys will get a kick out of it.

Text from: Terushima:)
Perfect. Anyways I just wanted to say I miss you Speedy.

Text sent: Terushima:)
Eww that nickname, I haven't heard it in so long. Anyway, I miss you too yuji. See you tomorrow! Goodnight. <3

Text from: Terushima:)
Sweet dreams y/n

"Sweet dreams!? Who the hell took Terushima!?" You huff at your phone screen.
"Huh?" Kōshi turned his head and laid his gaze on you. "Teru just said 'sweet dreams' instead of his regular 'night' so who the hell took my best friend?!" You furrowed your brows. His behavior has been different from the last time when you lived in his city.

"Oh man.. already huh..?" Kōshi whispered to himself. You didn't hear him because you were still struck at your friends words.

With no warning, you and your brothers phone started to buzz in sync.
Karasuno v team

Hinata- what time do we meet at the gym again?

Dinosaur- idiot, don't u listen?

Asahi- I think around 12 so we can warm up.

Daichi- it's 12:30. Johzenji will be there around 2:30 after getting their hotel rooms.

Hinata- oh ok. Aren't you guys exited!?

Kageyama- eh

Noya- quick question, are Terushima and y/n dating or what?

You- no! We are friends wth.

Tanaka- you guys have to be dating, or at least he's deff got eyes for u. Unless u got eyes on a certain blonde in this chat.

You- I will kill both of u. The only blonde I have my eyes set on, is your sister. *wink wink*

Tanaka- oh c'mon, not my sisterrr

Not even friends.                                         (Tsukishima x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now