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(A/N when it comes to Y/N's work in some times and travel I'm going to speed it up a bit so that it remains interesting and like isn't exhausting for yall. you'll see what I mean in this chapter by speeding some things up a bit)

waking up, you looked at the clock and saw you woke up before your alarm went off which was actually a rarity. you slowly sat up and your flip phone peeled off your face and onto the mattress. the phone was making a slight beeping sound noting that you were hung-up on. must've falling asleep while on the phone with ray.

you opened his contact from previous calls and saved it in your contact book,


you: "hey sorry for falling asleep over call last night"

you closed your phone and plugged it in to charge it and got up off the bed, going into the bathroom and took a quick shower before work. you still had some food pieces in your hair from your fall yesterday. you stripped your hair of all the food and washed yourself up and got out and dried yourself off.

each day was sickeningly repetitive. wake up, shower, work in the morning, sleep, wake up, work at night, sleep, repeat. even during the weekend, it was repetitive. there was nothing for you to do in between jobs so maybe meeting up with ray after work was going to nice, well, of course, it was going to be nice but when it comes to doing something new and something you were looking forward too instead of just going home after work.

it still warmed you to your core thinking about Ray and how he wanted to spend time with you today. what did he even have planned for the two of you? maybe it was just going to be walking around California and catching up, but whatever it is it was sure to be nice. you threw on jean shorts with an old shirt and grabbed your shoes. you sat back on your bed and began to put on your shoes, as you were doing so your phone buzzed on your nightstand. you were quick to grab the phone in hopes it was Ray, but it wasn't. it was Eric. what did he even want, he never texted you,


Eric: Don't worry abt coming in tonight, we're training a new waitress, I'll pay you for the night.

You: sounds good, see you Monday

you closed the phone and finished tieing your shoes and got up, leaving your apartment and walked down the street. at least you were off tonight, with pay. that was a relief, it just meant that you weren't in a rush to get anywhere tonight. you made your way towards Cherry street where you worked at Guitar Center. It wasn't really an exciting place to work, especially since you didn't know anything about guitars, and all you did was run the register and stock but it paid well for the little hours you worked there.

you approached the building and went inside, walking straight to the back room and clocked in. right as you did your phone buzzed,


Ray: Good Morning! don't worry about it, I'm sure you were tired! by the way what time do you get out again?

you: noon :)

Ray: sounds good, see you then :)

you shoved your phone in your pocket and went out to the cash register and leaned against the counter, looking around at the empty store. who even bought guitar crap this early? literally nobody. in a span of a week, you might get about 10 people who come in before noon. you kept checking your phone to watch the time and to see if Ray messaged you, plus just to look at something other then the same guitars that hung on the wall.

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now