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Waking up in your apartment felt weird for some reason, god you spend one night away and it's a whole new experience. funny how that is. although waking up you kinda wished you were in Ray's arms once more, waking up next to him was a whole different feeling when in his arms. it brought a smile to your face thinking of it. you grabbed your phone that laid in your back pocket and flipped it open.

it was already noon? christ, good job on burning half the day. you were about to set your phone down and go wash up and change but your phone buzzed, looking at the screen you saw that Ray had messaged you,


Ray: good afternoon, are you up yet?

you: yeah, what's up?

Ray: I was just wondering if you were planning on coming to the studio today, despite everything of yesterday's drama

you: yeah sure, I have nothing better to do lol

Ray: I can come and pick you up when you're ready

you: sounds good, see you soon :)

you closed your phone and set it on the table before getting up. it was getting around the time where the bills would be put through and things would get shut off. luckily the lights were still on for now. you went over to the kitchen sink and turned on the water, or at least tried too.

they shut your water off, which was bad but also fine because you could pay the bill later tonight. but also, you really needed to shower. maybe you could take a quick shower at Ray's? doubtful he would mind.


You: they turned off the water here, would you mind if I showered at your place?

Ray: I don't mind! I'm almost there

Ray was quick to respond actually, but he was almost there so that just meant hurry up and get changed. you went into your bedroom and looked through your closet, there was a nice simple sundress hanging up that you've never really worn before, why not? it was probably your only clean thing at the moment anyway.

you stripped yourself of the still somewhat syrupy clothes and threw on the dress and quickly ran a comb through your hair. you left the apartment and went down the stairs and went outside. once you got outside Ray had just pulled up. a smile spread across your face as you went up to the car and got in. he looked at you in the dressed and stared a bit,

"I never have seen you in a dress before," he said as he drove off, adverting his eyes from you to the road, you played with the fabric a bit and looked at him,

"does it not look okay?"

"no no! it's not that at all! I think it looks really nice, I'm just saying,"

"oh," you paused and smiled, "well thank you, I didn't plan on it but it was kind of the only clean thing I had. I still have to do laundry one of these days," he chuckled and nodded,

"Yeah that's kinda what you do when you don't have any clean clothes," he got to his apartment and walked inside with you and got into the elevator.

"thank you again for letting me use your shower," you said looking up at him,

"yeah no problem, but why was your water turned off? did you pay the bill?" he walked out of the elevator with you and placed his hand on your back and led you down the hall to his apartment,

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now