Too late

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Mikey's POV

Once she left the recording room Ray shut the door after her, locking it in the process. maybe now was the time to stop with my bass, whatever he was going to say must be important. I set the bass down on the rack and stepped out of the recording room out to where the other guys were. 

"look, I don't know everything that's going on between you two, but you guys need to stop it, we are not doing this around her," Ray said looking at both Frank and Gerard. 

Frank got up, "well none of this would be happening if Gerard over here wasn't all over her!" he exclaimed, he was obviously still heated, but I don't know why Gerard wouldn't do that to her, he loves Lindsey too much. 

"will you give that a rest already?!" Gerard said, matching his anger and standing up, "nothing ever happened between us other than a few hugs because she was crying, Frank. Besides, what does it even matter to you if something even was going on between us?" 

"it's none of your business on why it would matter to me!" Frank spat, 

"I don't th-" Ray was going to talk but Frank was quick to cut him off, 

"but okay, who's to say there actually isn't something going on between you two? what if your just saying that because of Lindsey?" Frank crossed his arms and Gerard took a swing at him without thinking. Frank held the side of his face and tackled Gerard, taking swings at him. I rushed over as well as Ray and tried to pull Frank off of him, 

"Frank calm down!" I yelled at him, yanking him off. Gerard was quick to get up and began to swing at him, Gerard got a few shots in at him, knocking Frank back a bit. there was banging on the door, like as if someone was trying to break down the door. it had to be one of the managers, there was no way she would be able to do that. But maybe she would, I mean it was a shitty door. 

"Get off of him Gerard!" Ray said as he pulled Gerard back. I went to grab Frank but before I could the door busted open and in came y/n, but once she stepped foot in the room Frank punched her right in the jaw. she fell on the control panel and hit her head on the control panel and she fell to the floor. Ray quickly let go of Gerard and went over to her, lifting her up off the floor and holding her in his arms. I didn't know what to do, I didn't even I really saw what all happened, it all happened too fast. 

"fuck!" Frank said going over to her and trying to wipe some of the blood off her face. 

"just stop frank! haven't you done enough already!" Ray spat at him as he carried her outside to his car. the three of us followed close behind him. I opened the back seat of his car for him and he gently laid her in the back seat. she had already gotten blood on Ray's arm and the back seat. 

"I'm going to take her to the hospital, if you all choose the come you're stuck with Frank," Ray said as he got into his car and drove off. 

I was a mess at this point, was she going to be okay? she had to be it was just a cut. although, there was a lot of blood, and I didn't get to see the cut, but it couldn't have been that bad, right? the three of us piled into Gerard's car and we all followed Ray's car out to the hospital. 

Frank was fidgeting around in the back seat a bit, he wasn't handling this well, and neither was I to be honest. 

"what if I killed her?" Frank said looking threw the rearview mirror to look at us, Gerard groaned and gripped the wheel, 

"she didn't die! shes going to be fine. but see this is what happens when you act like a dumbass. why would you even swing at her to begin with?!" 

"because! I didn't think it would be her! I thought it was one of the managers trying to break the door down! I wasn't thinking okay!" 

"well maybe you should start using your damn brain more!" I said, shooting my head back at him and giving him a dirty look, he frowned and rubbed his head, 

"I get it okay? I messed up big time. I regret it, there's no need to continue to drag it on,"

"maybe there is a need," I grumbled. Gerard parked in the parking lot and all three of us went inside just to see Ray carrying her through the hospital doors, nurses leading him out to a room. we didn't even bother to check in, we just followed. its not like any of the nurses actually stopped us. they didn't care all that much. 

once we got to the room the nurses didn't allow anyone else in the room other the Ray. so there we stood in the hallway. pacing around for just something, some kind of information on her condition. 

hours went by and almost nothing happened. Frank stayed right by the door the whole time though. I couldn't bear to stand around anymore. it was starting to get too much. Nurses came in and out but the door stayed shut, nobody was allowed in. 

"I need to go get some air," I said, shoving my hands in my pocket and walked out, I heard footsteps behind me and I looked behind and saw Gerard following me. he put a hand on my back and walked out front with me. 

"whats going on Mikey?" he asked crossing his arms and looked at me, 

"what do you mean?" 

"I mean whats going on? how are you doing right now with all this mess?" 

"oh," I paused and shrugged a bit, "I'm not doing the best right now. its just, all of this is so much." 

"I know man, but I'm sure she's going to be okay." 

"I hope so," I mumbled, crossing my own arms and looking back at the hospital. there was no doubt she was going to be okay, but still I couldn't help but to worry. I don't know if I could live with myself knowing she wasn't okay, even though it wasn't my fault for her injury. 

"but other then that, what's going on with you and her?" my heart dropped a bit, 

"now what are you talking about?" I asked, stumbling over my words a bit, 

"I'm talking about your actions around her, playing with her hand, kicking her, throwing pancakes at her and somewhat flirting with her. what's up with all that?" 

I fidgeted a bit more and groaned, well if it was going to be anyone to tell it was going to be Gerard. 

"well," I paused and sighed in defeat, "I guess I like her, okay?" 

"since when?" 

"since I first saw her in the diner, I meant to trip her, it was going to be my way of introducing myself, but..." I slumped and looked down, "but then Ray and her recognized her and the rest was history," 

 "so that's why your taking this all to heart, isn't it?" 

I nodded and rubbed my face, "it's so stupid, I know but I just really like her," he sighed and patted my back a bit, 

"why dont you get her some flowers from the gift shop and see if they opened the door, I'm sure she'll appreciate it a bunch." 

"you think so?" my spirits got livened a bit when he said that, he nodded and gave a half hearted smile, I went back inside and went to the gift shop and bought a bunch of flowers. 


roses would be too much, but tulips were nice, they were casual enough. But gerard was right! I'm sure she would appreciate them as well! girls love flowers. I paid for them and carried the bouquet back to the room. as I got to the room I saw Ray coming out of the room with her in his arms once more. 

and that's when it hit me. that I was too late. 

as I watched her get carried away in the arms of my best friend, and my band member, to be taken home.

she wouldn't fall for me. 

no matter how hard I tried to pursue her. 

it just wasn't meant to be. 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now