I'll be back

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(uh, Idk if this needs a tw? but like if you don't like blood then idk how you'll feel about the ending of this chapter, it doesn't deal with self-harm or anything like violence or anything brutal like that, it's sexual actually but uhm teehee. if yall didn't hate me already you sure as hell will hate me in the chapter and on)

"babe wake up,"

you woke up in a cold sweat and looked around, looking up at frank who was standing next to the bed. you sat up and looked around. what the fuck was that dream? married to frank with kids? god, you haven't had a fever dream like that in a long time. you looked up at Frank and saw he actually looked somewhat concerned. 

"are you okay?" he asked, "you were rolling back and forth a bit and mumbling 'no' a lot, were you having a bad dream?" 

"something like that..." you said softly as you got up, you looked him up and down and saw that he had his shoes on and was ready to go somewhere, "are you going somewhere?" 

he wrapped his arms around your waist and you actually tensed up, it didn't feel right this time, at least not after that dream, 

"Yeah, my car is finally fixed so I was going to go pick that up and then go stop by my friend's place and see how his dog is doing, y' know the one I told you about  with the pregnant dog," 

"oh right right, do you want me to come with you?" 

"Nah its fine, you just get some sleep and relax, ill be back later tonight," he pulled you closer into a tighter embrace and kissed you, you kissed him back and pulled away, shoving your hands in the pocket of his hoodie that you were still wearing and looked around a bit, "oh and I threw your clothes in the dryer when I got up, it should be down with soon," 

"Okay! thanks, frank," he nodded and left the apartment and went on his way. you looked around once more and sighed. it actually felt weird being home alone now, you were so used to being around the guys or being around frank every day since this all started. you didn't really wanna walk down to the studio, so maybe you could take this time alone to just relax and take a day for yourself. it brought a smile to your face thinking about being alone like this. 

you grabbed your phone and saw the light was flashing, it was probably leftover of Rays drunken sexting, you flipped open the phone and pulled open the messages, 


Ray: wasit no please
Ray: i newed ypou plesae 
Ray: you pronbabley went to bed, imn sorru, goopdnigt hon

you frowned a bit and closed your phone and shoved it into the pocket of your shorts. you changed out of franks hoodie, folding it nicely and laying it on your dresser, and threw on a normal shirt. when you took the hoodie off the plan b bottle fell out. you sighed and picked it up and placed it on your nightstand, looking down at the bottle it just made you ill. but it was a good reminder to take your birth control.  you went into the bathroom and took your pill. at least you weren't pregnant anymore and that's all that mattered. just hopefully Mikey doesn't tell anyone, Frank wouldn't tell of course but Mikey has been acting off lately. it was kinda concerning but you were almost too afraid to ask. 

you tried to ignore the thought on what Mikey would do and if he said anything and grabbed your laundry baskets and left your apartment, going down to the basement and into the damp, dark and creepy laundry room. nobody ever really took care of this apartment complex. walls were always crumbling, the elevator was too slow, and the mailboxes didn't even have working locks anymore. but at least everyone here was nice enough and minded their own business. you never had to worry about someone breaking in or making noises or being an ass because we all lived in the same crappy apartments. it was weirdly like a big unknown family. sometimes we would even spot each other money, but you just had to be sure to pay back by the end of the month. 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now