welcome home

274 13 19

(The next two chapters will be short, idk why I have to acknowledge this I just feel bad sometimes because I usually write long chapters but uh yEaH.)

Gerards POV

this was the first time we were all grouped together for a whole week in a long time, but it felt nice to be back together with everyone, kinda. it was a long week of course, and everyone smelt horrid since we only got to shower once or twice. but after the long week, we were finally home. on our way back to the studio to finally shower, change into clean clothes, and eat a proper meal. the only thing that would make this return better was if Ray's stupid, dimwitted, rude girlfriend would leave. 

she practically cried and wouldn't leave him alone because she wasn't going to be able to come with us, but she eventually wore Ray down. there was barely enough room for Mikey on the bus let alone another person. if yn wanted to come I wouldn't have minded as much, she was chill and she didn't take up as much space as primadonna barbie. even ray was getting annoyed but he never said anything. 

the bus pulled up in front of the studio and we all climbed out of the bus with our luggage and back into the studio. we all piled down in the basement and threw our bags onto the floor, flopping onto the couches. i looked over and saw mikey giving frank a look, frank looked over and sighed, 

"what do you want mikey?" he groaned, 

"why are you still here? shouldn't you be on your way to go your girlfriends place, you know, like a good boy," he snapped a bit, i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, trying to ignore the petty spat. 

"he has a girlfriend? " i heard beck ask, walking downstairs with ray. he sat down on the arm of the couch and she instantly tried to sit on his lap. he looked annoyed but he still held her close to him,

"yeah, your ex-coworker that you sabotaged and now shes out of a job," I mumbled, looking up at her, she rolled her eyes and leaned back on ray, 

"can we stop calling her that?" frank said softly, rubbing his face. did something happen between the two of them? hes been quiet all week, and he was just looking at his camera and something else, but i couldn't see what it was, he kept it hidden from everyone. 

"sorry, fiance," Mikey spat, 

"fiance?" ray asked, his attention peeking now, he looked over at frank and Mikey with complete worry on his face, "what do you mean fiance? when did that happen? at the fair?" his voice was rushed a bit, his words were jumbling into each other, 

"why does it matter to you?" beck asked, looking back at him, 

"i just want to know okay?" 

"yeah, but like why?" she crossed her arms, 

"hey beck can you go get me a soda? i would but...yknow your closer to the kitchen," i said, she groaned and got off ray and went back into the kitchen, ray mouthed thank you to me and turned his attention back on frank who had growned more agitated, 

"shes not my fiance okay! i broke up with her before the concert, okay? happy? here you can even have this!" he slightly yelled, everyone grew silent as frank got up and pulled out a small box from his front pocket and threw it down at mikey. 

mikey fumbled in his lap and grabbed the box and opened it, staring down at the ring in hand, he looked so mad, but yet hurt almost. frank turned and went to grab his bags but mikey stood up and threw the box right at the back of his head. 

"Mikey!" i scolded, but he didnt listen, he got up and went up to frank, frank turned around and pushed mikey back, 

"dude what is your proble-" mikey lunged at frank and tackled him down to the floor and began swinging, ray and i quickly got up and peeled mikey off him, i held onto mikey and ray grabbed frank once he got up, 

"you remember what happened last time you two idiots did this? look we're all tired, hungry, and sweaty. Mikey your going on a break with frank, just stay home unless told otherwise to come," i said, they both groaned and grabbed their bags and left in silence, 

"they really broke up?" ray asked, placing his hands in his pockets, i shrugged, 

"not like it matters to you any, you have little miss whiney to keep your attention," i said with a groan and went upstairs and out of the studio, i could just come back for my bags later, but first i wanted to check on her, make sure shes still even alive. 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now