Settling in

305 12 7

(this is a quick filler chapter that picks up from the last chapter, so it will be a lot shorter)

as you slowly woke up, you tried to move onto your side but you cried out from the sharp pain that peaked from your core. you held your stomach and squeezed your eyes shut. 

"Hey hey hey" you heard come from the living room, Mavis came running into the room and jumped up on the bed and flopped on your stomach, you cried out again and grabbed Mavis and moved her away from you. your eyes grew adjusted to the light and you looked around and saw you were in your own bed, you looked over at your doorway and saw Ray rushing in. 

he was in his flannel pajama bottoms and an iron maiden shirt, he had his hair up in a ponytail and was wearing his glasses. you smiled and looked him up and down a bit, focusing on his flannel bottoms more than you probably should've been. 

"I'm sorry I tried to grab her but she slipped out, are you okay?" he went over to you, you nodded and tried to sit up but couldn't on your own. he placed his hand on your back and slowly helped you move up into a sitting position. 

"yeah I-I'm fine, I just moved too fast and I'm sure Mavis is just happy I'm home," you smiled at her and rubbed her head. you looked over at the time and saw it was going on 7 already, you were still tired too. 

"sorry I didnt know how long you were going to be asleep for so I just put on my pajamas and got situated on the couch, and I fed Mavis and everything," he sat down on the bed and looked at you, you smiled and reached out and took his hand. he interlocked his fingers with yours, rubbing your hand gently with his thumb. 

"thank you for everything Ray," you gripped his hand tightly and slowly pulled yourself onto your knees, wincing on your way up. Ray watched your every moved and tried to support you the best he could as you pulled yourself up. you took your hand from his and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly. you sat down on his lap slowly and placed each leg beside him, leaning all your weight into him. you heard him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around your waist,  

"you dont feel any better do you?" you shook your head and smoothed out his hair a bit and played with his ponytail a bit, 

"can you help me change?" you asked looking at him, his checked tinged pink but he nodded, 

"yeah, just hold onto me okay?" you nodded and gripped him tightly, he slowly stood up, holding you up by your arms just to be mindful of your lower back and waist. he carefully stood you up and let go of you, "is there anything in specific you wanna wear or?" 

you giggled and shook your head no, "no, my bed clothes are just in my dresser over there," he nodded and went over and opened a drawer and crouched down, pulling out a lacy dress, he looked back at you, you panics and hobbled over, wincing at each step. you put the dress down and closed the drawer, 

"n-not that one," he laughed and opened another drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts and a shirt, you took off your tube top and shimmied your skirt off for him the best you could. he looked at you and hesitated, he cleared his throat and shook his head a bit, 

"I-Im sorry for staring, your just beautiful," he said softly, almost inaudible even, your eyes widened a bit and you tensed up a bit,

"oh come on, your just saying that because I'm standing naked in front of you," you matched his soft tone, he shook his head and helped put the night shirt on you. he kneeled down and helped you into your shorts and slowly pulled them up for you. as he stood up he looked you in the eye and fixed your hair a bit, 

"i mean it," he said softly, you tensed up a bit more and smiled up at him, 

"and your pretty cute with your glasses and ponytail," you placed your hands on the side of his face and gently kissed him, he kissed you back and placed his hands on the sides of your rib cage, yet again being mindful of your lower half. 

he was so cautious and careful of everything, almost every touch was gentle. he slowly pulled away and fixed his glasses a bit, 

"i uh, brought a heating pad from my place for you, do you want that or do you think you good?" he asked, taking his hands off you, 

"could i get that? as well as my pain medication? i-its in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom," he nodded and quickly went off and grabbed his heating pad and went into the bathroom.  you slowly made your way back over to the bed and sat down and waited for him. despite your pleasant mood you were practically dying from the pain that had bubbled deep down inside of you. this was going to be the longest week of your life. 

Ray walked back with your medication and laid the heating pad down where you would lay and plugged it in for you, "I uh, dont mean to snoop but it was right there, but I saw you had plan B in your cabinet," he said as he handed you your pain killers, your eyes widened a bit and panic took over your entire being. 

"O-oh those are from a long time ago, i just hold onto them j-just in case, I dont think i really want a k-kid right now or anytime soon so its b-better then just having an abortion if i were to become pregnant," he nodded a bit and you took two of the pills and placed the bottle on your nightstand. 

"do you need anything else or are you good?" he asked as he helped you lay down and covered you up. you shook your head and groaned slightly from the pain and turned on the heating pad, 

"were you planning on sleeping on the couch?" you asked, he nodded and smoothed his hair back a bit, 

"yeah why?" 

"c-could you maybe sleep in here with me? I always sleep good when your here too," you gripped the blankets a bit and looked up at him, he smiled a bit and nodded. he went back into the livingroom and came back with his laptop and pillows. he laid the pillows down next to yours and carefully crawled into bed with you. he laid on his back and placed his laptop on his stomach, you looked at it and saw he was watching a cartoon, 

"sorry I just wanna finish this episode that i was watching," he said, moving closer to you and putting his arm around you, you carefully nuzzled into him and laid on his chest, 

"its okay, i dont mind. what were you watching?" 

"the simpsons," he rubbed your arm gently and pressed the space button and the episode began to play again. he turned up the volume a bit more for you. you smiled and rubbed his chest as you started to doze off a bit. you tried to pay attention to the cartoon but the pain killers were kicking in and it had made you drousy, you closed your eyes and fell asleep once more. 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now