I'm here

350 17 39

"look I love you okay?" 

"I know you don't feel the same"

 "never going to happen with me"

those words rang throughout your head all week long. all you did all week was lay in bed with mavis and sulk.  you didn't have the energy to get up or do anything besides feed mavis, hell who knew if you even ate at all during the week. hell, you didn't even change out of your dress, there just didn't seem to be a point. 

this felt like rock bottom, well as close as what rock bottom could feel like. it hurt knowing that when the boys came back frank wouldn't be coming over and taking you into his arms like left for 20 years, even though it was only a week. 

and you couldn't even stand the fact that he hadn't called, even as just a friend. god, why did you have to miss him so much? 

but then ray...

you groaned and rolled onto your back and tried to calm down, you were too tired to start crying again. you eyes were so sore and dried out and the back of your throat was completely raw, and you just felt like a pile of wet sand. you felt like this ever since the night he broke up with you. you weren't even in the mood to pay any of your bills for the month or study for your driver's test tomorrow. so now who knew if you were going to pass your drivers test or if you were just going to fail once more. God, you were going to be 24 tomorrow and you still couldn't do anything. 

this was just one big massive pity party at this point. 

you looked over at the clock and saw you've been laying around all day, it was almost 5. you looked down at the floor and saw Mavis was sleeping silently on the floor, ever since she came here its like she lost her energy. like she didnt wanna be here, and you couldn't blame her. maybe Frank would be more suited to watch her rather than you, you couldn't even afford kibble for her right now. 

you closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep but as soon as you did you heard the door leading into your apartment open quietly, the hinges squeaking was a dead give away. besides the hinges you heard what sounded like two men talking on their way in. mavis woke up and went off running, barking in the living room, 

"hey! Woah tiny dude!" you heard one of the guys say, which sounded a lot like Gerard. Gerard? why was he here, was the band back already? you sighed and slowly peeled yourself up out of bed and trudged yourself into the living area to see Gerard and a somewhat short man who looked like him but more, greasy and scraggily. maybe your eyes hurt so much and were so worn out from crying that you were seeing double, but it came to your realization that it was actually two guys when gerard bent over to pick up mavis. he held her close to his chest and stood back up. when he looked up at you he was taken aback a bit. you tried to flatten your matted hair and smooth out some wrinkles and lint that had formed on the dress. 

"w-why are you here" you croaked out, your voice didnt even fully sound like your own, it was so raspy and it hurt so much to talk. you curled your fingers around your dress and stayed in the doorway of the hallway. you didnt really want anyone here, you just wanted to be left alone. 

"God, and I thought I looked like shit after a week of being away," the man said, you groaned and fumbled with the dress a bit more, Gerard looked back at him and smacked his arm,  

"shut up Bert, she has the right to look like death," he handed mavis to 'Bert' carefully and you actually tensed up. you didnt want a complete stranger to hold your dog. he went over to you, turning you around and walking back with you into your bedroom slowly, closing the door behind him, "just ignore Bert, he's a friend of mine from another band, we're kinda touring with him. he wanted to hang out today," 

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