11| Gatsby

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Chapter 11: Gatsby (Alex's POV)

"No way," I laughed while we went to get slushies from the food corner. 

"The deal was: The winner gets whatever they want. I won and I want a date," he reasoned. 

"First of all, you didn't win, you cheated-" 


"You distracted me! And a date is just- I don't know it's..." I trailed off, "Why a date?" I questioned. 

"Two blueberry slushies, please," he ordered before turning to me. "Blueberry, right?" he asked. 

How does he know that? 

"Yeah, blueberry," I mumbled, extremely confused as to how he guessed that. 

"Why not a date?" he asked. 

"Because we literally just decided less than an hour ago that we're friends, and now you're asking me for a date?" I questioned. 

"I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm just asking that we hang out," he shrugged while paying and handing me my slushie. 

"We can hang out without calling it a date. Why do you want to hang out with me so badly?" I asked. 

"I think you're a great person and I have a lot of fun with you. But I don't want us to just do each other these favors and then slowly but surely stop talking until it's just small hey's in the hallway and glances at the cafe. Got it?" he rambled. 

"Do you think you can keep talking to me?" Because frankly, I didn't. 

"Yes," he nodded. 

"Really? Because last time we were in front of your so-called friends, you were nothing but a douche," I rolled my eyes. 

"I apologized for that," he whined. 

"I said it was fine, I'm not still mad about it, I just don't want it to happen again. That hurt," I mumbled the last bit to myself. 

"I will not hurt your feelings again, I swear. But you're great company. You're funny, we have some stuff in common, we have things to talk about all the time, and you'll get a free date to parties," he shrugged causing me to smack his arm, "Ouch. Okay, but seriously. We have fun together, come on," he tilted his head to the side. 

"If you want to hang out, that's fine. But it is not a date. I don't go on dates with people I've only known two weeks," I said while giving him a pointed look. 

"So how much longer till I can ask you on a date and you say yes?" he asked. 

"A while. I don't like getting to know someone on a date. I think it's important for people to become friends first. Otherwise, you never get to know that person in that way and you just jump right into all the dramatic stuff," I rolled my eyes. "I like knowing who I'm going out with." 

"Oh, we're going out?" he smirked. 

"God," I sighed as we got back to Hannah and Jake who were, not much to my surprise, sucking each other's faces off still. My nose scrunched up in disgust while Carter tugged at one of my braids. 

"Wanna take a walk?" he offered. 

"Yeah," I replied. We got our shoes back and left the place, walking around its neighborhood. We walked while eating our slushies and talking about the most random stuff. 

"Tell me something about you," he said. 

"What do you wanna know?" I replied. 

"I feel like you know more about me than I do about you. What's your biggest fear?" he asked. 

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