Chapter 11

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Prince woke me up I had to get ready for school. He didn't say anything else to me. Us getting ready was silent, the car ride was silent, and walking up to the school was silent.

I don't understand if I couldn't say I love you I couldn't say it.

I never even seen real love before how do I know he wasn't just saying it to say it.

"So you told her you loved her and your mad she didn't say it back" Lance say sitting down.

"I'm not mad I just confused I thought we were on the same page" I say leaning back in my chair.

"At least she didn't tell you if she didn't mean it. Or just cause she felt like she had to just give her some time" Lance says.
It's the day of CJ party me and Prince haven't talked that much all we say is Goodmorning and goodnight to make sure we alive.

It's getting old I'm gone talk to him tonight.

Me and Ashlee got ready it wasn't cold outside for real. So I just wore a cropped sweater, jeans and some Af1's.

After we walked over to Cjs house since it wasn't far from mines. Dior, Lance and, Prince were waiting outside for us.

"Prince can I talk too you" I say.

He walks over to the side walk with me "what's up" he say.

"I'm over this not talking and walking on egg shells around each other why are you still mad" I say.

"Because I told you I loved you and you didn't say anything back" he say looking at me like I'm dumb.

"Prince I wasn't ready if I didn't say I didn't say it you know how I feel about you those are just words" I say.

"They meant something to me though you being indecisive again do you even want me" he say.

"I do want you Prince I want us I want this" I say walking up to him. "I just need some time to cool off go hang with your friends" he say kissing my forehead then walking away.

What the fuck just happened. I don't even know but I go into the party and see Ashlee Paige and some other girls dancing.

I get up behind Ashlee twerking. I don't twerk at party it's not my thing.

I'm dancing and I see Dior, Lance, and Prince in the bedroom with some boys smoking.

I'm dancing and rapping and just having a good time every once and a while Dior or Prince come look for me after a hour or so in to the party they stopped. Me, Ashlee, and Paige go get some drinks.

"So Chay you and Prince good" Paige day pouring me sum henny. "Yeah we fine but we just gotta come to a understanding about stuff" I say. I place my drink down on the counter and continue talking. We chatting it up then a dude bump into me and I was tired of being in there. All this space in the kitchen and you right up behind me bumping me.

I grab my drinks and proceed back to the dance everybody. I get a few girls instagrams they seem cool.

I start feeling high I just thought it was second hand. So I continue dancing.

"I'm finna go find a bathroom be back in a second" I say too Ashlee.

I'm looking for the bathroom it wasn't on the first floor so I went to the second. My vision started getting really fizzy and I feel a headache coming along.

I usually don't go out to parties so this could be why.

I start stumbling a little and somebody helped me into a room to sit down I thought it was one of the boys.

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