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Jungkook finally calmed down but when he was about to speak up a tiny voice interrupts them.

"I am sorry...papa" Taemin said as he rubs his eyes with a sad look on his face.

"Come here baby" Jungkook said as he opens his arms as Taemin rushed towards him and hugs him. 

Jungkook tried his best to look strong but he was dying inside. He wanted his son to feel loved even if he had to fight the whole world.

"I'll leave you guys" Taehyung said as he tries his best not to coo at the cute sight in front of him.

"Stay" Jungkook said as lightly as Taemin opens his arms.

"Daddy join us" Taemin said as Taehyung hesitantly looks at Jungkook who smiles lightly.

Taehyung wraps his big hands around Jungkook and Taemin as he feels them hugging him tightly.

"Thank you" Jungkook whispers in Taehyung's ear.

After awhile Taehyung broke the hug and Jungkook wasn't gonna lie that he missed the warmth and safety of those big hands around him.

"I'll leave I have some important work to do" Taehyung said as he kissed Taemin and Jungkook's forehead.

The kid giggled but for the boy he was shocked but it felt nice.

As the older left the cute family left for home.

"Baby it's time for bed" Jungkook called Taemin as he came running or more like waddling.

He made hands as his papa picks him up and sing to him until a bang was heard.

The younger froze as he looked outside but no one. He laid his son down as the kid puts a blanket over himself feeling scared.

Then it clicked.

It was Jungkook's ex husband. The man shouts as he calls Jungkook downstairs.

"Baby I will be back stay here" Jungkook said but it was too late.

His ex walks inside as he pins him to the wall trying to take off the younger's shirt as he screamed.

"Taemin baby please leave papa is coming" he said as his eyes got teary.

The poor kid got traumatized as he ran downstairs just to find Jungkook's phone.

He opens it and quickly dials the first number.

"Hello" Taehyung's deep voice was heard.

"Daddy save papa a bad man is beating hi-m d-daddy sa-ve us" Taemin cried as Taehyung tries to calm him down as he got into his car.

"Baby don't go inside I am coming ok bun just stay where you are" Taehyung said as he heard a scream making him drive faster.

"DADDY THE BAD MAN IS COMING DOWNSTAIRS AND PAPA IS NOT WITH HIM" the child cried as the older's heart ached.

Kai came towards Taemin and raised his hand to hurt him but a hand stopped him.

"You are gonna pay for this" Taehyung said as he beats Kai up and threw him out of the house.

"D-daddy" Taemin said as he ran up to hug Taehyung.

"Papa!" The younger cried as Taehyung rushed towards the bedroom.

"Baby stay here" the older said as the boy nods.

Taehyung enters inside as he sees a heart breaking scene.

"Jungkook" Taehyung said as he rushed towards him untied him and grabbed the body in his arms.

He rushed outside and asked his guards to stay with Taemin until he is back.

He ran to the car and drove to the hospital.



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