Chapter 2

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I looked at the man in front of me, he looked young. I looked him up and down once more, something in me was pulling me towards him. His eyes scanned me and I couldn't help the heat that scorched on my skin.

"Are you--" He started but stopped as Anthony and Oscar arrived landing in front of me and blocking me from his view.

"Queen Day, you must stay within our view whenever we are not within our kingdom." Anthony scolded as he turned to me and crossed his arms.

"My apologies, your highness. I was not informed that royalty would be visiting." I watched the unknown wolf bow to me, I shivered at the sight. I was used to people bowing to me, but when he did it...I felt something stir inside me.

"It is alright, tell me...what is your name?" I ask as I step from behind Anthony and Oscar. I walked towards him and stopped only a few feet away, his strong scent swirling around me. It was intoxicating.

"Oliver Winters, your highness." His manners were impeccable, compared to the alpha of this land. I watched a loose strand of hair fall over his shoulder and it took everything in me not to approach him and play with that beautiful hair of his.

"It's a pleasure, Oliver. Please, call me Katherine." I smiled sweetly up at him holding out my hand. He watched my hand closely glancing between my hand and eyes multiple times before reaching out and enclosing his hand with mine. My skin ignited at the touch, I held back the moan of pleasure this simple touch pulled from me. I flapped my wings happily before he released my hand.

"Wow, your wings are stunning." He commented with his eyes tracing every line and scale.

"Thank you, I got them from my father." I smiled at the memory, the day my wings finally started to grow in. Dragons are not born with wings, they are something that we develop as we age. The average age being around six to seven years old, it was like the process of growing teeth. Painful but worth it in the end.

"Oliver, what did I tell you about leaving your house?" I heard a voice bellow from behind me. I turned to find the beta, mark, and the gamma Tony. I rolled my eyes annoyed with their presence already.

"My apologies beta. I heard something outside and wanted to check for possible danger." I watched the exchange between the men, Mark looked at Oliver as if he was dirt on his shoes. Hatred, anger, and a hint of jealousy...but of what? Oliver cast his eyes down never looking up from his feet, everything about him screamed scared and insecure.

"Go back inside." Mark commanded. Oliver nodded and scurried back into his guest house, the door shutting with a quiet click.

"Please avoid coming in contact with him, your highness. He is an unstable wolf that Alpha Jackson has been trying to figure out what to do with." Mark explained. I looked him up and down, nodded and turned to head inside with my guards following close behind me. He was lying, that wolf was terrified of him; they must have been keeping him here against his will. Any prisoner that is unstable is kept in the cells in the basement of the pack house. I watched as Mark and Tony disappeared back towards the town without another word.

We had all settled down inside to change and gathered back in the living room, I changed into a black cropped tank top with grey sweatpants with my hair pulled back into a loose braid, Anthony was in a black muscle shirt and blue basketball shorts, Oscar wore a white shirt and black sweats. Tiffany and Madelyn both wore red t-shirts and black shorts.

"Did anyone else get weird vibes from Mark earlier?" I asked leaning back in the arm chair I was currently seated in. They all nodded their heads and grunted in agreement.

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