Chapter 8

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"They're angry with you, you know?" Anthony spoke softly.

"I'm aware. But they do tend to forget who rules the kingdom." I smirked. Anthony rolled his eyes. We continued walking, the hall quiet except for our footsteps.

"I can handle myself, An. I get that you just want to help...but I need to show them that I am strong enough to do this on my own." This kingdom has been steadily increasing to become the best that it could be. Everything in me wanted to fight the elders and to replace them with dragons that would respect me. But for now, I needed to get through this meeting.

"I do not know why you have not replaced them all yet. Considering how against they have been with your orders." Anthony mentioned.

"I have no clue myself,"

We arrived at the meeting chambers and the large oak doors were shut displaying the intricate dragon design carved into it. Anthony glanced at me in question. I was ready to head in. I gave him a small nod and he accepted as he pushed the doors open and stepped to the side.

"Queen Day has arrived, my lords." He bowed at the smug looking older men. I glanced around the room at the older dragons. Their wings were tucked tight against their backs, their official garments consisting of black velvet robes with accenting gold bands around the sleeves. I looked at each of the men, they didn't look a day over thirty even though I'm sure they're all over one hundred.

"Queen Day." They all greeted in unison, each bowing their heads. I nodded, walking through the meeting chambers and taking my seat at the head of the table. After I was seated the others promptly took their own.

"Shall we get started?" I offered looking between the five men. Elder Draco stood, his platinum long blond hair slicked back into a low ponytail. His face held minimal wrinkles on his lightly tanned skin , his lips pulled into a tight line, and his red eyes flaring with challenge.

"We have a few concerns, your highness." He began. I held out my hand offering for him to continue. "We understand you have played nice with the wolves to ensure the kingdom's safety, however, we do not believe that it is necessary."

"Why is it unnecessary? I am simply doing things that will keep everyone safe," I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrow in his direction. Elder Jamison, who sat to my left raised his hand. His face blank, dull grey eyes, and short neatly styled red hair did nothing to accent his deep ebony skin.


"If you must, your highness, we are far more concerned about the dragons that have been going missing. It is also to our understanding that you were away for over two weeks while meeting with an alpha?" Jamison argued.

"Yes, he kept me waiting after requesting to have the royal army be extracted from his pack lands. I assure you that I will not be leaving our lands for a while. And in response to the missing dragons I have people on the case. Unfortunately, this just means that no one is to leave the kingdom on their own until the problem is solved." I answered, hoping they would take what I am giving them.

"Your highness, we also have the concern of you finding a mate." Elder Miller mentioned. His inky black hair lay contrasted to his pale skin and bright golden eyes. I nodded slowly, taking time to form an excuse.

"We understand that we are going through a tough time, but we will need an heir eventually." Elder Gabriel added, his brown eyes gleaming with the unspoken challenge.

"Now, Now, let's collect ourselves," Elder Wright's deep voice danced over my skin in a disgusting wave. I glanced to where he sat at the end of the table. His large hands were clasped atop the table, his hazel eyes showing the kindness I didn't receive from the others. His hazel eyes were soft as was his gentle smile. Wrights waist length navy blue hair pulled into a braid down his back.

"We need to focus on the missing dragons. As much as I would love to see our queen mated, I know that is something that can be put on the back burner. If you'll allow it, I would like to take over the investigation from Elder Draco." Wright spoke with poise, his eyes never leaving Dracos.

"That can be arranged. Thank you for taking over Wright. Now," I sigh and stand from my seat. "Are there any other concerns?" When no one spoke I nodded and made my exit.

Anthony followed me down the hallway in silence. Taking the elevator back up to my floor I let my shoulders sag.

"They always take so much out of you," Anthony commented.

"Why else do you think I dread meeting with them?" I chided.

"Elder Wright seems to be the only one on your side."

"I'm replacing every single one of them. Wright...I'm not sure. My uncles says he can't be trusted, he also claims that he can be a bit manipulative." Anthony scoffed. Silence filled the elevator as we traveled further up the floors.

"I trust you with my life, Anthony. But you also need to keep in mind that my uncle comes before you. He swore he would keep me safe. My father trusted him as do I." The doors opened to my floor, I step out and turn back to Anthony.

"Do not disturb me for the rest of the evening unless there is an Life or death emergency." I warned. Anything frowned but nodded in acknowledgment. Satisfied with his anger I turn and make my way towards my bedroom, I needed a nap. As I approached my door I caught a faint whiff of Oliver's scent, only it wasn't coming from his room. My pulse quickened as I placed my hand on the door knob.

I could hear his muffled voice through the door, although it was difficult to make out exactly what he was saying. Slowly, I turned the knob and pushed the door open. My breath caught in my throat at the scene splayed in front of me.

Oliver was seated on my sofa, one arm covering his eyes, the other pumping his impressive length.

"K-Kat~" he moaned my name slowing his movements and stroking from base to tip once,twice, and three times.

"Oliver..." I spoke through the thick haze of arousal in my throat. Oliver's arm shot off his eyes and he scrambled to cover himself with a pillow.

"Shit." He cursed.

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