Chapter 10

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I stared at my flushed face in the mirror. Oliver's taste was fresh on my tongue and the amount of desire that was swirling low in my stomach was something new. Catching him in my room in his compromised position set off a new set of reactions I had never experienced before. Before any and all sexual desire was lost on me, I was far too busy to even consider taking on a mate or even someone just to relieve tension.

Now, it was like a switch was flipped. I want nothing more than to take that sexy wolf and have my way with him, to have him moaning my name and begging for more. The way his hands gripped my wings had me coming undone in a way I didn't think was possible. The warmth of his hands ghosted down my wings making me shiver. I slapped my cheeks, trying to disperse the perverted thoughts. I turned on my shower letting the steam fill up the space. Stripping, I set my clothes aside and grab one of my fluffy brown towels and set it next to my shower.

Before stepping inside I will my wings to shrink and slip into my skin. I didn't do this unless I was showering, it was a skill my father taught me. The elders are always so picky about our wings that they discourage everyone from shifting them. I, on the other hand, had no issues with it. My wings will always be a part of me, just, every now and again I like to put them out of the way even if it is only for a short amount of time. Stepping into the shower I let the warm water stream down my back and shoulders. Sighing in content, I begin washing myself of the stress-filled day and arousal.

"Kat," Oliver's voice calls from my bedroom. I stiffen as his footsteps approach the bathroom. The door creaks open as he stepped inside, his glasses instantly fogging up from the steam.

"Kat," He calls again, his tone holding a hint of annoyance. I turn off the water and grab my towel wrapping it around my body and stepping out into his view. Oliver's eyes grow to the size of saucers as his gaze crawls over me, hovering where my wings would be.

"What happened to your wings?" He fumbles out.

"I shifted them,"

Oliver rubs the back of his neck gazing down at the floor. "I think they're beautiful..." He mumbles as his skin begins to turn pink.

"What can I help you with?" I ask while I turn to the mirror and start to brush my damp hair making sure to be careful of my horns.

"Earlier...when you, know," He motioned to his crotch. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Okay? What about it?" Panic coursed through me. Maybe he didn't like it? Maybe he thought I was forcing myself on him and I made him uncomfortable. Continued berating myself in my mind as I waited for him to answer.

"Have you...been with anyone before me?" Hardness returned to his voice. His eyes locked with my own and I could see his wolf just below the surface waiting for my answer as well.

"No," I shook my head to the side. "You're my first," I paused briefly before my worries spilled from my lips. "Did I make you uncomfortable? Shit, I should have asked for your permission before I did anything. Goddess, I am such an idiot!" I growled, sinking to the floor. Large warm hands wrapped around my bare shoulders pulling me into a hard chest. Oliver's hand smoothed down my back sending hums of pleasure throughout my body.

"I'm not mad, Love." The endearing term filling my veins with warmth. "I'm sorry if I worried you. It was just so good...I thought that maybe you had been with someone else. It made my wolf bloody thirsty at just the thought of another putting their hands on you." Oliver growls, his chest rumbling lowly under my head. I peer up at him, his captivating green eyes sparkling with mirth. Oliver's thumb rubbed over my bottom lip, a small grin appearing on his own.

"Things are complicated. Neither of us knows what's going on, or how this is even possible. But at this moment, I can say honestly that I've never felt so right as much as I do now." I pressed a kiss to his thumb.

In a flash Oliver's lips were on mine, devouring me for all I had. His hand glided down my back, a displeased whimper leaving his lips. Oliver pulls away from me with a frown.

"Can you bring your wings back? I like to mess with them to stir you up." He voiced huskily. I shivered, letting my wings slip through my back once more the pain only brief before pleasure coursed through them under Oliver's touch. I gripped the hair at the back of his neck enjoying the control it gave me over him. Oliver pulled me to straddle his lap, his thick length pressing into my core. I whimpered into his mouth, that same heat from earlier coursing through my body and pooling at my core.

A knock at my bedroom door caused our heated moment to come to a screeching halt. Groaning I slip on my robe and secure it around me as I make my way to my door. Oliver followed close behind me, his hand placed protectively at the small of my back. Opening the door I come face-to-face with someone I had been avoiding for months.

"Jace..." I greeted attempting a smile I knew didn't reach my eyes. Jace Adams, one of the higher ranking and wealthy males, stood two steps away from my door. His black hair was stylishly gelled back revealing his ice-blue eyes and kind expression. He wore black slacks and dress shoes along with a white button-up with the sleeves rolled up. His Black leathery wings were tucked tightly behind him, his eyes catching Oliver's gaze.

"Your highness," he greeted, turning his gaze to me. His expressions softened as he laid eyes on me. His eyes trailed up and down my body taking me in, making me feel far too underdressed.

"It has been quite some time. I had tried waiting patiently to hear from you again, but I just couldn't stay away." Jace's gaze briefly went to Oliver's before zipping back to my own.

"Jace, I had informed you that I was not taking a mate at the moment." I reminded him.

"Ah, was, now, I presume you are? Who might this be?" Jace gave a tight-lipped smile to Oliver.

"I am Jace Adams, a suitor of the queen." Jace greeted holding out a perfectly manicured hand. Oliver's fingers tapped a staccato rhythm on my back as he reached around me and shook Jace's hand.

"Oliver. A friend of the queen." His voice was cold. As much as I wanted to scream to the world that I was his, it just didn't feel right at the moment.

"Ah, a handsome friend at that," Jace gave another thin smile. "Your highness, if you would. I would love to steal some of your time tomorrow. I was thinking we could go for a stroll through town. One of the shops recently released a new baked good and would love to take you to try it." Jace gave me a soft smile. I shifted on my feet.

"I'll see what I can do...I may have meetings for the majority of the day." Jace nodded excitedly. He took my hand and placed a kiss on it.

"Until tomorrow then," He smiled before turning and leaving. 

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