Chapter 6

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The door shut with a click, letting me know that Kat had finally left. My mind drifted back to the previous day, the conversation between Jackson and I still fresh on my mind. Jackson had called me to his office to discuss what he was going to do with me, in more ways than one I would have preferred to stay in and read. But what alpha wants, alpha gets.

"You're the one that brought me here! I was perfectly fine staying with mom." My voice came out nervous and uneven.

"Do I look like I want you here? If anyone were to find out about you it'd be the end of me!" Jackson bellowed, I winced taking a step back, pressing my back into the corner.

"Just let me leave! I won't show my face ever again!" My wolf pushed at my surface, wanting nothing more than to take over and protect us.

"I was told you have run into the dragon queen, stay away from her," Jackson growled.

"I would if my wolf would let me....she's my mate." Jackson's eyes grew wide. "No, that shouldn't be possible." Jackson shook his head, an unregistered emotion flashing across his face in the process.

"We can't-" Jackson was cut off by a knock. The door opened to reveal a stunning Kathrine and her royal guards.

I sighed. This is far more complicated than I originally anticipated. Questions swirled around my head most of them wondering why she would bring me back with her. Clearly, there was some type of attraction she has for me, but considering her species and their lack of assigned mates I'm finding it hard to believe that she would choose a wolf.

Pulling out my cellphone I quickly dial my mother's number before bringing it up to my ear. The phone rang for a few seconds before there was the connecting tone.

"Hello?" My mother's soothing voice came from the other line. "Mother, it's me." The tension in my shoulders began to release just from hearing her voice.

"Oh, Ollie, hello honey. How are you? Is alpha Jackson treating you alright?" Her voice was light as usual, her carefree attitude and loving nature was something she was known for. "Yes, Ma. Everything is fine. But I am actually not with the Golden falls pack at the moment." She gasped through the phone. "Where are you then, Honey? Are you safe? Does your father need to come to get you?" She asked. I chuckled, I always appreciated my mother's protective nature.

"No, I'll be fine...I think. I just wanted to check in on you and give you an update." I started. She hummed into the phone. "I may have found my mate." The words left my lips slowly, it was as if I was still trying to believe this information myself. "Oh my goodness! Ollie, that's wonderful! When do I get to meet this lucky lady? Oh! I'm so excited." My mother's excited voice came from the speaker. I cringed as my advanced hearing was overworked.

"Listen, Ma, Ma," I groaned as she continued screaming through the phone in excitement. "Mother, listen. Now may not be the best time. But I promise once I get everything figured out that you'll meet her." My mother gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but it better be soon, mister." I chuckled into the line and ran a tired hand over my face. "I'll call you at another time, I have some things I need to get done," I spoke softly, exhaustion was beginning to hit me hard, I needed to get some sleep if I wanted to function in any way today. "Okay, honey. I'll talk to you later. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too, Ma. Bye." We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. Next course of action; getting some sleep.

Hours later I woke to a dark room, the air was cold and nipped at my nose. Shifting, I lean up the covers dropping off my bare chest. With sleep still fresh on my brain I moved to the edge of my bed, my head pounding from my wolf's non-stop pacing. 'Will you stop.' I groaned. My wolf only growled in response as he went back to pacing anxiously. A knock on the bedroom door caught my attention. Standing over I stride towards the door and pull it open.

Kathrine stood a few steps back, her hands wringing together in front of her. Her hair was let down and flowed down her back and around her horns in loose curls, her face bare of any make which showed the patch of freckles that littered her nose. Kat was dressed in a simple oversized shirt and black shorts that barely peaked out the bottom of her top. My eyes drank her in, taking in every detail of her body and burning it into my memory.

"Your highness, what can I help you with?" I asked. Her eyes trailed up my bare chest, her cheeks tinting the lightest pink. She shook her head and cleared her throat. "I just wanted to check on you. Do you want anything to eat?" Once again her hands began to wring themselves. I couldn't help the soft smile that grew on my lips. "There's a private kitchen on this floor, I could make you something if you'd like." She gazed up at me, her beautiful chocolate eyes boring into mine.

I nodded. "Lead the way." Kat's face lit up as she turned and started walking down the hall. I followed close behind her and took my time appreciating her wings. The smooth brown scales were beautiful and I couldn't help but wonder what she looked like flying. While I had seen her a few times before, I did not get the clearest view.

We arrived at the kitchen, she flipped the switch turning the lights on. The kitchen was filled with stainless steel appliances with a granite island and dining table. She strode over to the refrigerator and opened it. "Any specific request." Getting an idea, I walk over to her and pull her back enough that I can close the door. "Why don't you sit back and I'll make something. You're hungry right?" Kat's stomach growled telling me that I was right.

After looking through the overstocked fridge, I decided a simple burrito would suffice. Pulling the ingredients out I began to cook, all the while Kat's eyes never left my back. "Do you regret coming with me?" Kat questioned. I stilled, did I regret coming with her? No, not at all.

"Not exactly. You do need to understand that I will not be your pet, your highness." I stated. That nagging feeling bit at my mind, the feeling that was screaming that I was wrong and that I needed to give her a chance. With a sigh, I plated our food and took it to where she sat. I took a seat and took a bite out of my burrito, once finished I turned to her.

"There are rumors that there's a rogue dragon kingdom that captures wolves and keeps them as pets. I've been worried that this has been the case. When you were meeting with Jackson you asked for me in return for removing your army from his lands." I explained. Kathrine kept quiet as I continued. "While I am thankful to be out of that pack it does come as a surprise that the queen of dragons is showing this much interest and hospitality to a low-level wolf." I finished meeting her eyes. They softened under my gaze and a small smile graced her lips.

"I didn't bring you here to keep you as a pet. There's something...about you. The instant connection I felt when I first met you. I couldn't leave you there knowing who Jackson truly is." Everything began to click as I finally realized it. Dragons may not have other halves, but her soul must acknowledge a soulmate. Wait...her reactions to my touch, her caring gazes...

"You're my mate." The words left my lips before I could even register them. I knew she was my mate, but this further confirms it.

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