Chapter 3

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We had been on Golden Falls land for a full week and the so-called alpha has canceled every meeting we've scheduled. I paced the kitchen munching on a piece of dried cow meat we brought with us from our home.

"Relax, Katherine. The more you stress the harder it will be to control your emotions later." Oscar tried to soothe me, but I was too antsy to notice. I shoved the rest of the meat into my mouth, finishing it quickly, I turned to my friends and scowled.

"He's canceled every meeting....EVERY. LAST. MEETING." I growled feeling my skin warm in anger. The more he pushed me the more I wanted to end the stupid alliance, I only stuck with it because it gave me access to information about current problems within the wolf community that had the possibility to affect my kingdom. Keep your friends close and enemies closer, right?

"We know, listen, why don't we go for a fly, hmm?" Oscar suggested with a hum. I huffed but nodded anyway. Oscar took my hand and led me out of the house and down the stairs. We walked silently further into the trees, coming to a stop in the middle of a clearing.

"What's up with you?" He asked, turning to me and crossing his arms. I mimicked his movements with a frown.

"Other than being stressed out with Anthony's nagging, and a mutt that won't even listen to me without cutting me off?" I accused. Narrowing my eyes at him I dare him to say anything else. Oscars deep red eyes bore into mine.

"You've been off since the night we got here. You've barely talked to Tiffany and you've spent half of our time here locked in your room. Something is clearly up." Oscar ran his hand over her shaved head, his rich honey skin glistened in the sun despite the slight irritation drifting off of him.

"There's something off about this pack. They've been extremely secretive and I'm worried about that wolf next door. He does not seem to be here of his own will." I sighed plopping down into the grass.

"You're worried about the wolf next door? Come on, we're not here to play nice. Our goal is to leave as soon as possible." Oscar ostracized me. Rolling my eyes I pull my legs into my chest, it was a habit I developed to soothe myself when in stressful situations. Oscar noticed my movements and took a seat next to me, his coming out and wrapping around my shoulder. Our wings bumped against each other and we laughed.

"We're all stressed, Katherine. But remember what we are here for." Oscar reminded me, his voice soothing my heightened nerves. Oscar stilled, his body going rock solid as he shot up from his seat next to me. His wings spread out making him look larger, while also blocking me from whatever he felt threatened by.

"What do you want?" He growled out. I stood and peaked from behind him, my face lightening in delight.

"Oliver?" I was completely shocked, I was not expecting to see him this far out from the house considering what happened the last time we crossed paths. He stood over at the treeline with a book in hand and similar clothing to what I first met him wearing. Is that all he owned?

"Your highness, it's a pleasure to see you again." He bowed, his manners were impeccable.

"What are you doing out here?"  I walked around Oscar and approached Oliver, his face reddened slightly and he took a hesitant step back.

"I was coming to read." He laughed nervously holding up the book in his hand. "Alpha Jackson allows me out into the woods, I just can't go into town. What are you doing here?" He asked, his hands fiddling with the hardcover book.

"I needed to get out for a while. Your alpha is a pain in my ass." I laughed, Oliver joined me, his face softening as he relaxed.

"What are you reading?" I pointed at the book in his hand.

"Oh, this? It's the Scarlet letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorn. It's a favorite of mine." He smiled. I was mesmerized by the way his face lighted as he spoke.

"Will you tell me about it? Running a kingdom doesn't always allow me time to read." I smiled up at him. His cheeks tinted a rosy pink as his eyes looked anywhere but me. Without saying anything he nodded. Oliver walked around me and took a seat in the middle of the field. I looked over at a frowning Oscar and made a gesture for him to go. Oscar rolled his eyes and turned and made his way to the tree line, where I knew he would be keeping watch. With a triumphant smile I made my way over to Oliver and took a seat next to him.

"Are you fine being out here with me? I'm sure you've heard enough about me from Beta Mark." Oliver seemed hesitant, maybe even a little nervous to be around me. I shook my head giving him a confused look.

"What would he say about you that I should be concerned about?"

Oliver watched me, his eyes flashing with too many emotions for me to name.

"It's nothing, forget I mentioned it." He gave me an awkward smile, his slender fingers playing with the open page of the book. Oliver began to read aloud, his smooth deep voice music to my ears. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I felt safe with him. I focused on his fingers admiring how he held the book gently as if he were afraid he'd damage it. At some point he shifted, moving to lie on his side and moving the book to lie in front of him on the ground.

I stretched my wings and moved to lie across from him on my stomach. Unnoticed, my hand moved on it's own as it took the ends of his hair, the silk smooth texture tickling my skin. My hand drifted up the strand stopping just below his sharp jaw, I tucked the stray piece of hair behind his ear. My fingers brushed his ear and sparks ignited, Oliver jolted away. My eyes drifted to the lips that were just reading the enchanting tale, although most of it was lost on me. Oliver's cheeks tinted pink, his eyes wide, his lips parted as he sucked in a harsh breath.

Crawling towards him I place my hand on his jaw, those same sparks igniting my senses.

"What is this...?" I wondered aloud, something was pulling me towards this wolf and I couldn't figure out what. Leaning forward, without hesitation, I press my lips softly to his. Oliver's hand shot to my hip pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss. To my surprise and pleasure, Oliver was very good at this despite his looks. My body heated and screamed for more as I leaned further into him. I moved to straddle his body, his hands pulling me impossibly closer as he moved to a sitting position. Our lips meshed together as if they were meant for each other as we continued on. I moved my hands up his chest and behind his head gripping the soft strands of his hair between my fingers. Oliver's hands drifted up my back brushing against my wings, my body jolted from the touch.

We broke apart, each panting for air as we processed what just happened. Oliver's eyes never left mine as they returned to normal, I hadn't noticed the way his eyes were glowing a rich golden, it must have been his wolf.

"Are your wings sensitive?" He asked tracing a finger up my spine and across my wing sending another shiver of pleasure down my spine. I nodded biting my lip to hold back a moan.

"Queen Katherine, it's time-" Oscar's voice came from behind Oliver. My head shot up to find him standing a few feet away, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

"Kat-" Oliver whispered as he nuzzled his nose into my neck. Wolves are so weird with their sniffing obsession.

"Can I call you that? Kat, I mean." Oliver asked gazing up into my eyes. I couldn't help the warmth that spread throughout me so I gave him a simple nod.

"Your highness, it is time we head back to the house." Oscar's voice came closer, breaking my attention from Oliver. I watched as Oliver's face tinted pink, he rested his head on my collar bone shielding his face from Oscar's view.

"Right, Oliver I've got to go. But I'd love it if you could read to me again." I rubbed small circles into his back. There was something about this wolf that pulled me in, that made me want to protect him and have him by my side.

"Anything for you, your highness." Oliver muttered against me. I chuckled and patted his head softly. I stood, reluctantly, removing myself from Oliver's embrace. As I started walking towards Oscar, I glanced back to see Oliver still hunched over.

"Are you coming?" I asked, cocking my head to the side in question.

"I-I'm just gonna sit out here for a bit." His ears were tinted pink as he kept his back to me. A chuckle escaped my lips as I nodded and turned to follow Oscar back to the house. Oliver's reactions just did something to me...

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