Chapter 36: enter the baby (ies) part 2

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-about 30 minutes later-
Of course, as soon as Gibbs got in his car, it started pouring down rain, so he had to deal with getting behind every slow driver around on his way to the hospital.  When he finally got there and got in the doors, he was soaked.  He went straight to the registration desk.
"I'm looking for Grace Gibbs, I'm her husband."  It felt like it took forever to him, but the woman finally found her.
"Yes, it looks like she's in the labor and delivery wing.  That's on the third floor, so just take those elevators down the hall and you'll be right in front of it when you get off the elevators" she replied.  He muttered a thanks before heading for the elevators.
-labor and delivery-
As soon as he got off the elevator, he started getting nervous about what exactly he was getting into.  He went down the hall and saw her name on a hospital room door.  He went in, took off his coat, and went to her side.
"Hey, I'm here" he said to her, and she turned to face him.
"Glad you could make it...and just in time too" she replied, suddenly wincing as another contraction hit.  "They're about 5 minutes apart now, so it won't be long" she added.  He grasped his hand in hers, almost wincing himself at the vice-like grip he got in return. 
-an hour or two later-
She was now in full on labor, fully dilated, and doctors and nurses were all around her, instructing her what to do. 
"Now, Mrs. Gibbs, at the next pain, I want you to push, alright?" The doctor instructed, and she nodded.  After a few seconds, the next contraction hit and she pushed as hard as she could, nearly yelling in pain.  "Okay, that was really good! Just keep that up and we'll have these babies out in no time"
"You're telling me to keep that up?! I'm barely holding myself together!" She replied. 
"Hey, you can do it, Grace.  I've never known you to give up before, so don't start now" she heard Gibbs say and turned her glare on him.
"I don't recall saying that I'm giving up, Gibbs..." she replied.  At that time, another contraction hit, and she pushed again.  After that, there was a small cry resounding through the room.
"It's a girl!" She heard the nurse say and she could relax for a moment, but not for long - she still had another baby to deliver.  It took a few minutes, but soon the contractions started up again and the process restarted.  Again, it only took two or three pushes, and then silence.
"My other it okay?" She asked, desperate to know.  "Why isn't it crying?"
"It's alright, ma'am.  We're working on clearing his airway."
"Don't tell me he's alright! Show me he is"
"We need to take both babies to the NICU - they were 2 months premature, so we need to keep a close eye on them." The doctor replied.  "The girl is healthier than the boy, but they're both fairly small at only 5 pounds."
"Are they going to be okay?" Gibbs asked, his parental instincts already restarting again.
"I don't want to make any promises.  We'll be back soon to give you updates." Then the staff left, leaving the new parents alone.  Grace looked at him, terrified. 
"Gibbs..." she whispered, and he immediately moved the lower bed rail down and sat on the edge of the bed next to her.  She sat up and he pulled her into his arms.  She started crying and he rubbed her back, trying to comfort her the best he could as they both waited for news.

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