Chapter 43 - i know who you are

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A/N: I feel so bad for taking so long to update, you guys! Sorry!
-next morning-
If the team noticed that Grace and Gibbs were in better moods, they didn't say anything about it.  They went in and got to work, Grace flashing a sympathetic smile to McGee as she sat down.  After a while, her phone rang - not her work phone, her cell.  Since she didn't recognize the number, she let it go to voicemail.  Surprising her, they actually left a voicemail.
"Let's see who it is" she says, going to her voicemail.
"Who was it?" Gibbs asked from his desk. 
"Not sure, but they left a voicemail."
"Put it on speaker, maybe we can figure it out together" he replies, and she put it on speaker.
"Hello there, Mrs. Gibbs.  My name is Alejandro Rivera.  I wanted to tell you about my father may have been hard to live with, but he was the only family I had, but one day someone killed him in cold blood.  Oh, I'm sure you're listening to this with Agent Gibbs, and I'm sure he'll know who my father was...if he doesn't, have him really think back." And then the voicemail ended.  It took Grace a moment to think, but then it hit her, and she looked at Gibbs. 
" don't think..."
"No, I don't think...I know" he replied.  "We need to go see Abby"
-Abby's lab-
"Abbs, we need a call traced.  Can you trace it by voicemail?" Grace asked as soon as they went through the doors.
"Of course, have you met me? Hand me the phone." Abby replied.  "So, what's going on?"
"Got a suspicious call, we need to see where the caller is" Gibbs replied.  Abby nodded and continued.  After a moment, she got a result.
"Uh, guys...the caller was in front of your house when he made that call" she said, and Grace and Gibbs looked at each other and literally ran out the door as fast as they could. 
-Gibbs residence-
They both went inside and raced upstairs to the guest room that they'd converted into a double nursery, and were relieved to find the babies still asleep. 
"Gibbs, what are we going to do?" She asked.
"We are going to get some bags packed - we're going away for a few days"
"Where are we going to go?"
"I think it's time you met my dad, up in Stillwater, Pennsylvania."
-about a day later-
A car ride to Stillwater plus two toddlers was not an easy feat...add to the mix that they were already stressed, and that equaled to the family of 4 staying in a hotel the first night they arrived.
"Hey, Gibbs?" Grace asked as they got into bed.
"Yeah?" He replied, turning to face her.
"Do you think he'll find us here?" She asked, concern evident in her voice.
"I hope he doesn't, but we'll be here together, and with the kids, if he does.  We'll see my dad tomorrow and then take it just a minute at a time" he replied.  "Come on, let's get some rest, okay?"
"Yeah, okay" she replied as they cuddled up together and went to sleep, the kids sleeping in the small pack playpen they brought along.

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