Chapter 51: ...wait, Brother?

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-a few days later-
Work never does stop for Gibbs and his team and soon, they get another case that knocks them off their feet...
Starts out as fairly normal, body found and it's a military medic.  For some reason, there's no ID on the victim, so the team has to rely on Abby for fingerprints and other DNA.  A few hours after getting back to HQ, Grace gets a call from Abby.
"Hey Abby, what's...yeah, Abbs, we're on our...okay, I'll come alone...yeah, I'm on my way" she said before hanging up the phone.
"What was that about?" Gibbs asked, and she shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm not sure...I haven't seen her that shaken up in a while.  But I'll keep you posted" she replied before heading to the elevator.
-Abby's lab-
"Okay, what's going on?" Grace asked when she got out of the elevator, but was grabbed by the wrist by Abby and drug along into the lab and to the computer.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, accusingly.
"Tell you what, Abbs? I'm really confused" Grace replied.
"Look at the screen, these are the DNA results." Abby instructed.  Grace looked at the screen and she paled instantly. 
"Abby...this can't be right...I'm an only child" she finally said.
"Well the DNA test says otherwise, so talk" Abby replied.
"Abby, I'm telling you I didn't know!" She said, almost yelling at this point.  "I had a younger brother...why didn't my parents tell me?" She asked, more to herself.  "Abby, are you 100% sure that this Logan character is my brother?"
"Positive.  I thought it was a mistake too, but then I checked it again against your DNA and it came up again" she replied, calmer now.  It was silent in the lab for a few minutes.
"I have to talk to" Grace finally said as she left the lab.  "Thanks, Abby..." she almost whispered.
-back upstairs-
Grace was still shaken up when she got off the elevators.  She went straight to Gibbs' desk.
" okay?" He asked when he looked up at her and saw how she looked.
"I need to talk to you in private...please" she said quietly, and he stood up and followed her to the back stairwell.  Once they got outside, she stopped and turned to face him.
"Talk to me, I can't help you if you don't" he said after a few moments.  She took a deep breath.
"Jethro...Abby has the DNA results on the man we found this morning...26 year old male by the name of Logan Williams...apparently he's my brother."
"But, I thought you were an only child..."
"Yeah, so did I, so imagine my shock when I found out otherwise...on top of that, he's dead..." she replied.  "I had a brother...that I didn't even know about...and then I find out that information because he was killed..." she continued. 
"It's okay to be angry, ya know..."
"I honestly don't know what to feel right now..." she whispered, then shivered from the cold. 
"Come on, lets go back inside" he replied, leading her back in.  When Tony and Tim saw the shape she was in, they both stood, concerned.
"Everything okay?" Tony asked.  Gibbs looked at Grace, almost asking permission.
"Go ahead...they're going fo find out from Abby anyways..." she said, going to her desk. 
"We got the DNA for the man we found this morning."
"Is it someone she knows?" Tim asked.
"I wish I did..." she said with a shake of her head.  "Tony, Tim..." she said, putting both Logan's driver's license picture and a picture from the crime scene.  "Meet my long lost brother..."
A/N: suspenseful!!

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